Thursday, October 16, 2008

Awww, thanks Becca

Becca sent me the "perfect blend of friendship" award.
and since I have no clue how to put the picture up on here, you'll have to do just knowing that she gave it to me because she is totally awsome.
And acutally, i can't pass it foward. The friends that deserve this award, either don't have a blog at all, or don't have one that they check more frequently than about once a year and it's on a different site.
Darnit...i need to meet new people!
In other news
I have started watching a tv comedy called "Big Bang Theory" It's hilarious because, i know someone that fits every single one of the caracter's personalities.
I haven't learned all of the name disticntions yet, but i'm uterly enjoying it

The accident sucks, the insurance dealings suck, the rental company hasn't even contacted me and my meeting is tomorrow so they by definition suck, and this entire week has sucked.

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