Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Feeling like a cartoon ostritch

Hitting the ground running is an expression that pales in comparason of how my morning actually went.
Between having to fix a drastic mistake i made last night before leaving work(that was totally my bad and stupid fat fingers!), and running around because it was already late and getting yelled at for something that wasn't my fault, as well as doing things i have no idea of how to do and one of the most rude displays by a co-worker i've ever seen here. I was ready to go home and stick my head in the sand at about 10am. Or at least under my pillow.
Now the last two hours have been going by "like molassas in wintertime". If i wernt' meeting potential roommates tonight, i'd probably pour myself "something tall and strong" and pass out by 8.
On the plus side, I somehow managed to miss two new books out by one of my all time favorite authors! and i got them both for 17$ including shipping! I love amazon!

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