Monday, March 29, 2010

One move down, one to go

I love my parents. They spent years teaching me valuable lessons with patience and love. They always provided for me, and taught me how to fend for myself when the time came. And as is the natrual course of things, I eventually left the nest and went out into the big world. I overcame hurdles and thrived on my own, enjoying ever second of the freedom to choose my own rules, my own style, and to make my own decisions.
The apartment I'm moving into alone had one big catch to it. There was a gap of about a week between the leases. Which meant the most logical choice was to stay with my parents during that time. They're local, willing, and come with some serious perks.

But it's only been 24 hours...and i distinctly remember why I chose to move out in the first place. Once you've tasted that freedom, it's hard to go backwards.

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