
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Hodge Podge of Happenings

Today I'm at the point where I've become so tired, that i'm actually wide awake. Most of my alertness, i'm convinced, comes from this massive headache which has a firm grip on not one but both of my temples.

My lack of sleep comes from a late night talk (good kind) with Boyfriend Jon as well as the start of a cold which had me producing very unladylike snores which kept waking me up. I ended up banishing myself to the couch so as to not interfere with his slumber. If not for the headache taking hold almost as soon as i opened my eyes, i might just still be there.

No, I haven't gotten around to taking pictures of the corset back and for this I apologize. I know what it's like to be following a how to and not have any results pictures. Between celebrating the official end to Boyfriend Jon's soft diet after his surgery, Wallet thief/Molly-proofing my apartment, and doing the normal prep for the work week; i haven't even taken the dress out of my back seat.

Our celebration included going to see "The King's Speech" to see what all the fuss was about since it's the predicted front-runner for the Oscars. We had already watched the other contender "Black Swan" and had mixed feelings when leaving.

I had gone into "The King's Speech" dreading a similar story to My Fair Lady. I was instead surprised to see the marble scene poked fun at by Helena Bonham Carter who handled her character flawlessly. The wife of a man plagued by his inadequacies trying to gently find a solution while helping to fend off ridicule. Colin Firth played the king's frustration, humiliation and embarrassment so palatability, that I couldn't help but root for him. Though i don't typically call him a favorite actor, he undoubtedly was an excellent choice to play the King.

My one grip was that I completely did not feel Geoffrey Rush 's character as an aspiring actor was either poignant or plausible. I felt like it had been thrown in there as something to fill the void of the character's time outside of helping the king. Though to be honest, i can't think of a better option. All other aspects of his character were magnificent. I have said before that sometimes it takes stronger emotions like anger and indignation to overcome hurdles and this was the epitome of that. The time Lionel spent with the King was excellently orchestrated by the writer. Everything from the diagnosis as being not biological to their unfolding trust and friendship was a wonderful journey. I understand why it is the forefront for Best Picture of the year.

All said and done, the movie was excellent. There are even twists and turns that you won't notice until it is pointed out. But the best part of this movie is that it will make you laugh at the sheer ridiculousness that begins to work. Even though I am lucky to be rather good at public speaking, I will evermore hear one of the lines running through my head when I do get stuck: "Fuck!Fuck!Fuck!Bugger!Fuck!"

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