
Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 3 of adding a corset back and Weekend catchup

This weekend was a whirlwind. I'm totally beat.

I rushed home after work on Friday and began furiously sewing in order to be ready in time. Mostly this included sewing in the loops which i ended up doing by hand.
Finally my mom laced me into the dress and made the final adjustments. While she steamed the dress, i ran to the costume shop and grabbed a mask. I regret that at no point during the night did i take a picture of the back. I'll put the dress back on tonight and take some pictures though.

I also added some fake eyelashes just for effect. While i loved the effect, they were the most difficult things i think i have ever put on. Thankfully, I'm one of those few lucky women who's hair pretty much always cooperates. It was nicely secured into a cascade of curls (thanks to some hot rollers) with two barrettes and i threw on as dramatic of makeup as i dared.

Just when i was feeling like flopping down on the couch and taking a nap from all the hard work, Boyfriend Jon and I whisked away to the Masquerade Ball in Seattle. From there it was a whirlwind of brilliant dresses, hilarious masks, and enchanting dancing.

For the record, neither Boyfriend Jon nor I knew how to waltz. And attempting to dance it for the first time was rather cumbersome. We stayed to the outskirts, out of the way of the older, more experienced couples as they twirled and glided across the main floor.

We quickly decided that formal ballroom lessons were long overdue. We both agree that it's important for both men and women to know how to dance for those rare formal occasions that pop up in life. Not to mention that it's just plain fun!

Long about 10:30, they had a series of performances that were highly entertaining. There was the partner changing dance that was outright hilariously choreographed to seem like infidelity. A soprano from the Seattle Opera did a beautiful aria. And two of the orchestra, the pianist and the accordionist had wonderful solos. The night was well worth the cost even if we didn't dance much.

The rest of the weekend was spent baking thank you cookies for my mom as well as a batch for Boyfriend Jon who now is adding bread and such to his diet after his surgery. Tuesday marks the official end of his soft diet, and i'm sure if he doesn't see another pudding or jello cup for several years, he won't be sorry. I pulled out my bread maker and made him a loaf of my acclaimed sweet bread as well.

After that it was cleaning up my apartment from the mess left over from the frantic sewing fiasco. I've made a decision to try and get rid of some of the larger items in my apartment that I don't use. Time to craigslist it up.

Lastly, the very same Wallet Thief as my previous post will be staying with me next week. So my cleaning efforts are doubled as i try to dog-proof my apartment. Or rather Molly-proof it.

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