
Monday, February 7, 2011

3am Poop Patrol

Well, i knew there would be more adventures with the Wallet Thief/Molly dog. Just didn't expect them to be so gross.

I picked Molly up from my parents place and made the mistake of sitting down. Within minutes i had both Molly and Rusty (my parent's dog) weighing me down.
When I finally managed to dump them off my lap and stand again, Molly was only too happy to go with me. She even approved of Boyfriend Jon joining us for our adventure.
I'm pretty sure that Miss Molly didn't get into anything while she was at my apartment. Boyfriend Jon kept her on the couch until i had finished checking every corner for anything that potentially might smell or taste good to her. Meanwhile she chilled in the round chair in a position that maximized her belly rubbing potential.
After that, she joined in on a Halo Reach party. And by joined in, i mean that she sat on my lap and pawed at my hand because i wasn't petting her or paying attention to her, which is so wrong of me to be RIGHT THERE, but not adoring her.

By the end of the night, she had met three dogs from my complex, left her mark all over my area, chased a squirrel, checked every single corner of my apartment for food (while i watched her like a hawk ready to snatch anything out of her mouth), and been pet enough that she fell soundly asleep at my feet around 11:30. I settled in for what i thought would be an easy night.

(insert ominous music here)

At around 3am, i was woken up by Molly beginning to move around. Figuring she needed to go out, i got up and pulled on my robe. When i turned around to find her (time lapse of maybe five seconds), she was just finishing laying an extra gooey turd right in front of my front door. I yelled "Molly no!" but was by far too late. I clipped her leash on and led her out back since opening the front door would have smeared her 'present'. Thankfully, i live on the bottom floor and have some grass out in my swamp. Molly sniffed around for a good fifteen minutes, but kept trying to go back inside rather than finish off her dump. Finally, the cold won and i let her back inside.

I proceeded to clean up my carpet while Molly sat and wagged her tail, completely content now that i was awake to pay attention to her again. She was utterly non-perturbed that I was gagging at the smell. When it was clean, i used a large flattened cardboard box to block off part of my room, and then closed her in so she was next to my bed and had about five feet of space to walk around without getting into trouble.

For a half hour, I argued with her that she was not going to be allowed back onto the bed. Her attempts to thwart my decree ended up shaking my bed as her wiener dog length, and cocker spaniel weight hampered her jumping up successfully.

Just as i was dozing off again, i was overwhelmed by another round of stench. I flipped on my light and was greeted by another set of presents . Looking at the clock, it had just turned 4am. Luckily, I had tissue in my room and was able to clean enough of the mess up so that i could open the door without smearing it all over.

We repeated the process of standing outside in the cold while she sniffed around without pooping or peeing as she got a dose of sleep-deprived crabby Anne. Twenty minutes later, when I felt sure that she was done with those kind of gross presents, i let her back in. I got out my carpet cleaner and got to work cleaning up the mess in my room and lighting a scented candle to mask the stench. No sooner did i turn around then i see her walking away from yet ANOTHER gooey puddle.

By this point the only thing keeping me from dragging her back outside is how cold it is out there. So i took the cardboard box and blocked her into the kitchen where at least the linoleum would make cleanup easy. I then start cleaning up THAT mess while she watches me by standing on her hind legs and looking over the box. I put her bed in the kitchen with her and finally went back to sleep around 5:30 am.

I will say that the best thing about Molly is that she doesn't bark, or whine, or make much noise at all. Just soft snoring, or humphing when she's smelling around. Occasionally, she'll growl a little bit, but usually it's only when something like a squirrel is taunting her from the other side of a window. She doesn't even bark at other dogs. It definitely was a winning trait with my whole family.

And of course, upon waking up around 7:30 to let Miss Molly out again...there wasn't a single dropping anywhere in my kitchen. *scowl*

I talked to my parents (Molly's weekday guardians) and they said she went through a similar episode the first time she stayed at their place, so it might just have been distress at a new place or that she managed to get into something after all.

All I know is that all day Sunday, I nursed a headache. And when Mom offered to take Molly for the week like she normally does for my sister, i gave up/in.

If i hadn't had them as a backup, I would have tolerated it. But it just solidified in my mind that as much as i really want a dog right now, my lifestyle is not ready for it. Anyway, Molly is back with her companion Rusty so she's much happier.

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