
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Nano excerpt

I thought i might give those who are not my Nano buddies a chance to see some of my writing. I'm a little proud of this considering the following:
I am not a man. Thus writing a conversation between two men about a woman when said woman is the object of one's affections and the others annoyance was extremely difficult. I just tried to get the feel to be as awkward and uncomfortable as possible while using the minimum amount of dialogue. And this was the result:

Williams stood by patiently. They had never really had any reason to be enemies, and thus with the Marrissa issue, things were tense, but not volatile

Colton picked up his satchel and slung it around his shoulder. Together the two men turned back towards Home Camp. They walked in silence for a few steps before Williams broke the mood and explained his unusual behavior.

“So, Marrissa.” He started looking uncomfortable. Colton understood his hesitation at this subject. The last thing either of them wanted to deal with was the drama involved in a love triangle. If Williams set his mind on proving his love for Marrissa physically, Colton would be in trouble. Though he wasn’t small or weak, he couldn’t possibly stand up to someone with not only warrior training but also constant needs to stay fit in order to protect Home Camp. Colton’s strength lay in his upper body, and his long, limber limbs.

“She’s all yours.” Colton replied abruptly. Her eagerness had early on put him off of any interest in her as she grew into womanhood. For all that she was willing to help Kyland with all sorts of chores in an effort to get Colton’s attention, she wasn’t bright. She didn’t think for herself, nor try anything new.

“Kyland said you might say that.” Williams said. He reached a muscular arm up and scratched his head. “But…well, I mean, could…” he trailed off.

“Spit it out Williams. What’s wrong? I have no interest and will do anything I can to stay out of your way.” Colton offered, holding his hands up to his shoulders indicating he was hands off. He hated when others weren’t straight forward when asking for something.

“That’s good of you. But my problem is, well, she won’t stop talking about you.” Williams admitted looking all the more uncomfortable.

“Me? Why?”Colton asked. Mentally he checked back over the last several encounters to see if he had inadvertently done something she might have taken as an advance. When he come up with nothing other than common courtesy, he shook his head. Crazy female notions. He thought. “Williams, I treat her like any other female in Home Camp for Kyland’s sake only” Colton was about to add his feelings on her annoying factors when he happened to glance at Williams face.

From the slightly distant look and contented smile, Williams looked completely ensnared by Marrissa’s feminine wiles, even if they weren’t directed at him. Yet. Colton thought with determination. Put together, Colton estimated they would make a good pairing assuming the old adage opposites attract, was worth something. He was tall, she petite. Strength, gentle. Yes, definitely a good pairing. Just leave me out of it.

“Good. I just didn’t want something like that to come between us. I mean, I know we’re not really friendly, or anything.” Williams said. For all he had faced down countless Grake hunters, Bamdor beasts, and Lantries and bore multiple faded scars from such encounters, he was proving overly shy about broaching this subject. “Do you think there’s anything you can do to, you know, discourage her?” Williams stopped Colton with a broad hand on his shoulder. Hope was written all over his face.

Practically nauseated by this conversation Colton did his best to put an end to it quickly. “I’ll see if I can think of something.”

Thankfully it seemed to placate Williams and they continued on their way without any more uncomfortable words being exchanged.

They walked back through Home Camp Gate and separated with an amiable wave. Colton made to head back to his bulb high up on one of the trees when he noticed Marrissa walking anxiously toward him. She caught his eye and broke into a kind of trot that made her breasts bounce nicely regardless of what female contraption she had under her clothing for support. Catching himself admiring her body, he quickly reminded his male instinct that he needed to deter her away from him and towards Williams.

There was no avoiding her now as she joined him, her face halfway caught between worry and trying to smile becomingly. The result made her look all the more uncertain and awkward.

Deter her. Colton thought to himself and set his face into a brooding scowl. “What?” He asked roughly.

She looked taken aback as his less than welcoming tone but said, “It’s Kyland. He’s really not good right now. He threw me out of the medical hut when I asked him what was wrong. I think we should go talk to him.” Marrissa said smiling sweetly.

Colton did not miss that dangerous word women used when they were trying to snare a mate of their choice. ‘We’ was an entrapping word. “No,” he stated flatly. The smile faded instantly from her mouth. “I will go talk to Kyland, you need to go…” he cast about quickly looking for a reason to send her in Williams’s direction. “Go attend to William’s arm. He said he strained it earlier today. He said he wanted you to look at it because you’re so much gentler than Kyland.” Never mind that Williams had said no such thing. The supposed compliment had the desired effect on Marrissa. She blinked several times as if it had never even occurred to her that Williams might appreciate her skills. Colton saw a flicker of pleasure cross her eyes which were now fixated away from him. But she recovered quickly and her face assumed a disinterested and defiant stare when she looked back at him.

“Fine.” She said and flounced away. Hopefully Williams would have enough sense of mind to play along with the ruse. Colton quickly diverted his course to head back to the medical hut which lay at the back of Home Camp.

That's what I have so far. Hope you enjoyed it.

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