
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Nano 2010 day 9

Word count: 13,774
Quota for the day: 15,003

So i figured out what was up with this NaNo gimmick. Or widget as they call it:

Last year, this thing was pretty simple. If you crossed word quota for the day, the day turned green. This year, suddenly I started seeing yellow pop up. This is the description they give you for what the widget does:
My Month is a simple display showing overall progress and how you did on any given day. Light green and red show where you were above or below the goal for the day, bold green and red are reserved for days where you did exceptionally well or monumentally badly.

Am I going crazy or is there actually NO mention of the color yellow ANYWHERE in there? I start going crazy and can't figure out why some of my days are showing up Yellow when i have indeed posted the recommended word count for the night. So last night around 10:30 (being a work night this is already late for me, and thus prone to bad decisions)...i decided to figure it out.

I posted one word under the daily quota for the day. Still red.
I posted the exact daily quota for the day. Yellow
I posted one over the daily quota for the day. Yellow -_-
With the "exceptionally well" in mind, i posted 100 words over the daily quota. Yellow.
200 words over daily quota. STILL Yellow (by this point I'm cursing)
Finally i went and looked at my stats. It says i still need 183 words to reach 1667.
So here's what i figured out.
If you write below quota for the day: you get red
If you write above quota for the day: you get yellow
If you write a cumulative 1667 words on top of whatever you had the day get green.

Way to go NaNo site. You've managed to get 400 odd extra words out of me. You've gotten sneaky in your terrible threes.

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