
Monday, November 8, 2010

Nano 2010 day 8

Words to date: 12,095
Quota for today: 13,336

Sorry, there was no day 7. It was my mother's birthday so i spent most of the day with her, and only wrote about 400 words throughout the day. That's ok though, cause i spent all of Saturday writing with Jon and clearing both day's quota.

In other news, my mother FINALLY opened the ivory tiled Mah Jongg set that i bought for her on my glorious trip through China Town San Francisco back in March. We played a round after finding instructions on the internet which I'll probably copy and make look really authentic on nice thick velum for mom to keep with the box which had none. I won the game.

I took her to see "The Social Network" at her request which we arrived to an hour early thanks to good ole Daylight Savings time. We watched the last ten minutes of it and then wandered into "Hereafter" a Matt Daemon flick about psychics and sensitives to the dead. Though we only saw the last 45 minutes of the film, both my mom and I were intrigued. It had an artsy film that i typically don't care for where at the end I'm left going "huh?" but i attributed it to having missed the first half of the film.

We then made our way back into "the social network" on time and were able to watch all of it this time around. It certainly does make you wonder if there's any basis of truth to this story. And though Mark Zuckerberg has publicly denounced it as pure fiction, I wonder if it might just be an exaggeration of things as perceived by the co-founder. For example: if someone forgets to invite you to lunch, a lot of people will take it as a personal snub.

I had a bit of a freak out last night. Suddenly coming to a bunch of overwhelming conclusions. Most of them are personal, and thus will not be written down. But I'll say that I worry probably too much about the problems of those i love. I've considered the fact that writing NaNo might be too much for me to take on right now. Not that i can't do it, but that there are other more important things and opportunities that are presenting themselves right now, prior to the end of November. Things that really need my attention.

I'm not behind yet, but it's started to feel a little bit like I'm writing a homework assignment rather than an amazing story straight from my soul like it did the first couple of years. So I'm not giving up, but I am aware that this might not have been a good year for me to take this on.
Boyfriend Jon and other friends have been so supportive in helping with my burden.

I will finish out the write ins and cheer on my fellow NaNo-ers, but i'm not sure what the fate of my NaNo story is. It's exciting and intriguing, but I'm just not sure what to do in order to keep what little bits of sanity i have left this month.

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