
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Nano 2010 day 10

Holly crap we've hit the double digits!

That's right, it's a full 1/3rd of the way through November and supposedly our novels.

Word count: 15,553
Word Quota: 16,670

That gimmick on the widget that I was talking about yesterday, is proving to be cunning and surprisingly effective not that i know what it is. Now that i know if i don't keep writing until i hit 1667 words for the DAY, that I'll have a yellow mark on my record.

Even in my sleep deprived, coffee filled, "why on earth am i doing this?" brain, that's just not ok. It's worse than not ok. I just can't let it happen. I can't break the cycle of green days by being lazy. I must have the Green Day o_O

So I'm not entirely acting like a zombie yet, but the toll of burning the candle at both ends is really starting to take a toll on me. Boyfriend Jon tried to introduce the concept of naps during the day, but it just doesn't happen very often. Especially not on a work day.

Although, i just found a way to insert photos. So maybe being sleep deprived is good for something. And after the following attempt:

Yeah, I think that works a lot better. Cause me + HTML do not make for the prettiest of sights. Nifty...learn something new every day.

Sorry you all had to witness my technology deficiency.


Cousin Margaret and Cousin Nikki are coming over tomorrow to visit me and hopefully spend some time not writing, but enjoying each others company. Although it is becoming apparent to me that I really need to clean my apartment so they'll have a place to sleep. Thankfully, this will force me to do some much needed laundry, dishes and straightening.

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