
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Nano 2010 day 11

Current Word Count: 17,430
Today's Quota: 18,337

It was time for a freshening up of Firefly's Haven hence all the changes to the design of my blog. This had nothing what-so-ever to do with procrastinating on writing. Really.

Most of last night was spent cleaning, straightening, organizing, and sorting. I did three loads of laundry which have been sitting since before NaNo got started. I also worked on a project for work that has already gotten my skills noticed by the Executive Director as well as a couple of other higher ups. These skills are the ones that range beyond data sheets, inventorying coffee, and fixing printers. Call me crazy, but I do have higher aspirations in life. I'm probably too excited at this opportunity. My boss keeps reminding me that I do have regular duties too.

Between the cleaning and the project I did manage to get some writing done. Ironically I hit my best stride to date, tapping out a crazy 2k words in just under an hour. The TV was off, the writing music was off, and the only sound aside from the tapity tap of my keys was the buh bump of my dryer spinning the last load of laundry.

Remembering that just a few days ago, I was ready to give up the whole Nano experience for the year, i read back through my blog.

Turns out between this and talking with Mark and Colin who have been my sounding boards from the beginning, that every year, I have had a serious breakdown from feeling overwhelmed and weighed the possibility of quitting. Usually its when the rest of my life's normal stress is at it's highest peak.

So as of right now, thanks to Mark, Colin and Boyfriend Jon, I am not quitting. We'll see how i feel once Jury duty time hits.

Oh yeah, I got a Jury summons. The second time in the last two years. And ironically, it falls in late November. While i doubt someone as young as myself has a good chance of being picked, I think it would be quite an educational experience to serve on a jury. Provided that the crime is not one against children that is. That is a case they do not want me serving on.

Write in Number 2 tonight. Cousin Margaret and Cousin Nikki are joining me on the east side for a couple days. Hopefully some more people will show up. This time I'm actually going to attempt to write during the write in which usually produces less than stellar results.

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