
Friday, November 12, 2010

Nano 2010 day 12

Word Count: 18,368
Todays' Quota: 20,004

Yesterday was just for casual writing. Between a severe lack of sleep, the write in, and my cousins spending the night which means we talked until way too late.....trying to make a full 1667 words just wasn't going to happen. I knew this early and accepted that i would have a yellow mark on the calendar widget. Although today, I'm kicking myself as I drink my first cup of coffee this week.

I wrote a grand total of 923 words just so that i could stay ahead of the quota for the day. I finished the last "slow" chapter and now is when the action starts which is my forte in writing.
I'm not sure why but I've been complimented several times for my action writing. Vivid details, what my characters are thinking, when they act vs react. I'm pretty excited to write tonight.

Tomorrow is the 1 year anniversary for me and Boyfriend Jon. Since it's smack dab in the middle of Nano, we're saving the more major celebration for December. But we will be making a trip to our favorite steak road house:

Jimmy Mac's in Renton: If you're looking for high class, don't come here. If you're looking for a (sanctioned by my brother who lives in Texas) INCREDIBLE steak, fun atmosphere and to die for bread rolls...this is the place. Peanuts are available as you walk in, and you're supposed to throw the shells on the floor which can make walking through in stilettos rather difficult. But the food and the staff completely make up for it. It's worth the drive through rush hour traffic for us. Their crab cakes are also high on my salivate over list. Casual, filling and very reasonably priced for steak. This place is going on my Rave Page.

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