
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Nano 2010 day 3

Word Count: 4,662
Today's quota: 5,001

The person in charge of the NaNoWriMo blog had an evil awesome moment.

Tavi was kind evil enough to post about cookies. Not just any cookies, but the mother of all recipes: Nestle toll house chocolate chip cookies.

and then, *gasp!* she put up a picture of them!

That was it. I was drooling. I wanted cookies. Nearly ready to start chomping on my laptop screen, i went to my kitchen at about 11pm looking for the makings of said cookies. If i had to, i knew i would stay up past midnight to get at least one batch of cookies.

Butter, check. Flour, check. Sugars, vanilla, and baking soda/powder, check. Eggs...crap, i only had one. And just as i was thinking, well...i can make a half my dismay i realized i had NO chocolate chips anywhere! As an avid baker...this was kind of amazing for my kitchen to be completely devoid of chocolate.

Oh no! The thought of no cookies sent me into the twilight zone. It was nearing midnight and i would need to be up at (ack) 5:45am to get ready for work. I would be a zombie in the morning if i went to the store to get cookies right then.

VERY reluctantly, I made the responsible choice and went to bed *sniff* without my cookie fix.

Typing went much better last night. I coaxed my muse out of hiding with a promise of some action scenes. With her help, I sprinted past the quota for the night and then kept right on rolling. Today, I'm about 350 words short of the quota without having typed a word, but I think it's time to start putting a buffer between me and that quota. The second week is always the hardest.

At this point, I'm stuck on my first story, and quickly getting the ball rolling on the second. Unlike last year, my character, while still humanly flawed, is NOT a simpering, whiny, break down and cry for hours on end, kind of girl. I don't finish a scene wanting to pick her up and slap her. Nope, she's a student doctor.

And a very fatal flaw in my plan has emerged. While, in real life, I have sutured a wound in the past and know how to make a decent field dressing, much of the healing art escapes me. So I've solicited my doctor in training cousin from the east coast's help in making up for my lack of knowledge. Woot for family connections!

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