
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Nano 2010 day 4

Ok, got a unusual start today.

Woke up at 5am to take boyfriend Jon to a early morning doctor's appointment. And then sat there furiously writing while I waited for him to be finished. Let me tell you this: I did not miss work this morning. But i did miss the extra sleep and snooze button pushing.

While sitting there, i crossed the quota for the day and then some. But after a while, my eyes started to glaze over despite the giant mocha sitting next to me. After i caught myself staring at the same sentence for more than five minutes, i switched over to a hilariously fun game called "Plants vs. Zombies" that my friend Josh introduced me to about a year ago. You can find it in Pop Cap Games.

Let me tell you, that was a lot more fun than trying to sit there contemplating the most wordy way to say something and trying to give an effective view of triage....something I've never had to do. Thank you Cousin Nick from New York (pre-med student and a volunteer firefighter) for a six paragraph summary on that subject!

Instead, i was bravely fending off zombies with "pea shooters" and "star fruit" and "sun flowers". I get a satisfying thrill every time one of their heads pops off! I think maybe i was overdue for some writing distraction. And since I'm ahead of quota, i didn't feel so guilty.

Tonight is the first 2010 write in. Based on traffic on the site...i'm estimating nearly thirty people. How many actually show up is beyond me. Last time i predicted 12 and ended up with 25. So perhaps I'm being overly cautions in my estimation.

Depending on attendance, we might be spilling beyond the capacity of the conference room. Which might give me more credence to entice the Redmond Library to let us use one of their meeting rooms. Though we love Panera, we might have outgrown them. We'll see tonight what our numbers are.

I have my ducks, power strips, extension cords, countdown timer and my laptop. Just gotta run home and snag the sign in clipboard and my camera that i forgot.

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