
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Nano 2010 day 2

So day one didn't go nearly as well as last year. Last year, i rounded the 7k mark before going to bed. It was also a weekend.

After spending 6 out of 10 hours at work staring at an excel spreadsheet, trying to intimidate, scare, coerce, coax, or otherwise make the stupid chart do what I wanted to, i had a massive headache. Good news is, the chart finally bent to my will and started behaving itself.

Bad news is, after doing a workout with my friend Kenny, getting food, and going to the craft shop for mario brick supplies my headache was in full swing. I dropped Kenny of at his apartment and went home.

But i was still about 600 words short for the quota for the day. And i was determined to not let day one set the tone for the rest of the month. I needed to at least clear quota. So i pulled on a robe and snuggled under a blanket, pulled up my laptop and began to write.

I got about 150 words on the first story before my muse gave me the middle finger and promptly stopped helping. So i decided to switch over to my second story and do a little more character development.

My muse seemed to like this idea and begrudgingly started helping again, quietly suggesting that I kill off my MC's father prior to the story so i can make the connection between the first book and the second book right away. So off i went, pounding out another 900 words before my eyes started glazing over.

Looking at the clock, it was my normal work bedtime which might have accounted for the tired feeling. But with the headache furiously battling against the asprin i took before sitting down, I knew it was futile trying to stay up and write even more. The quota was reached, and that was all Nano land was going to get out of me for day one.

So off I went to bed. It did not escape my attention how right it felt to be laying down. My comforter was the perfect temperature, my pillows laying in exactly the right configuration. Within moments, i was dozing off into dreamland bliss.

But it was not meant to be as a fellow Nanoer texted me about an hour later with questions for Boyfriend Jon about a Netbook. I passed the message along and then laid there, suddenly feeling too hot and with the headache finally dissipating to the back of my head.

With both Dreamland and my novel calling to me, I laid there contemplating getting back up to write some more.

Evidently, I laid there too long because the next thing I knew, my alarm clock was going off alerting me that it was time to get up for work and i was left wondering where the night had gone.

Still tired, i managed to get myself to work in a semi-conscious state. And as the morning tasks started, I realized i had forgotten a very important component the day before.


Now I typically don't drink much coffee so thus I am very susceptible to it's effects..... my co-workers are starting to notice........

someone want to try to pull me down from the ceiling?

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