
Monday, November 1, 2010

Nano 2010 day 1

I think i forgot how to say NO. Although this time, it's mostly to myself.

No Anne, you don't have time to help someone with a completely unnecessary craft project. You should be writing!
No Anne, you won't have time to clean your apartment later, You'll be writing!
No Anne, you don't have plenty of time to get a workout in ALSO on day one when you should be bolstering your buffer because you should be WRITING!

Uh woops. I guess my brain hasn't quite clicked that it's November and that means every spare second available should be spent with fingers on the keyboard typing.

So for today after work, i have a workout scheduled with my workout buddy, and then I'm going to a craft store (dangerous for me) to get the makings for a Mario brick box for said workout buddy's cosplay costume of, you guessed it. Mario. And at some point I'm sure i should eat that pot pie which has been sitting in my microwave since lunch.

I'm not sure when I'll be writing at any given point today, but I am sure that this is the start of many nights of burning both ends of the candle.

On a side note, I think i might have convinced my cousins to join in on this madness!

Giddeup muse!

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