
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Breaking Point

There comes a point when there are too many things going on. Too many stressful things. Taken separately, they're manageable. But when they become layer upon layer several high...there is a crushing weight on your ability to handle them all.

For a change my layers are not the unbearable bad luck that happened on the Worst Day Ever two years ago. No, my stress mountain that I will be under for the next two week is fairly normal, just all coalescing at the same time. I find myself dreading it all but not to the point where I will concoct some grand, elaborate, convoluted scheme to avoid everything.

I haven't been to a doctor in about three years unless you count that trip to the ER for slicing my hand back in September. Say what you will, but it hasn't been a priority in my delusional mind. So not only did I have to find a NEW doctor, but they're insisting that I get the complete physical. >.<

My Aunt and cousin from New York will be arriving on Friday and staying about 10 days. She is a typical New Yorker prone to yell and bluster when she doesn't get her way, but she has a heart of gold. She's bringing my cousin who is about 30 years old, but mentally is just like any 7 year old kid. So those ten days will be a lot of touring, wandering, shopping and entertaining and buying my cousin a lot of decaf coffee.

Their arrival also means a lot of get-togethers with other members of the family on this coast. Which means entertaining them all. And my family when together is a weird mix of "the Cake Boss", boring history lectures, and just plain old Chaos. Oh yeah, and I expect to get the third degree about Boyfriend Jon since I haven't told her anything about him.

Also arriving the following Friday is my brother Michael all the way from Texas. This of course was sprung on me only two nights ago when my parents asked for my help looking up flight information. As usual, the last to know. I'm just wondering where all these people are going to stay since their days here in Seattle overlap and my parent's house is only so big.

This also is not to mention that I'm still helping out with the wedding. The wedding that I have realized that I'm far too nice for my own good when it comes to good friends. This realization came after I allowed myself to be talked into not only making the two tiered wedding cake, but also 200 cupcakes for the reception. And in helping with the wedding, there is also shopping, planning, and thrifty-ness to be considered.

And as if all that wasn't enough stress....the gorgeous dress which i bought for the wedding (25$ heck ya!) has some seams which pucker in a VERY embarrassing way. read: Super erect nipple effect. So i have to pull my sewing machine out and hope that i can fix it. If not...I'm going the sweater route.

There. The Epic Saga of my next two weeks. I'll let you know how I am when i come out the other side.

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