
Monday, August 2, 2010

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's SUPER-GIRLFRIEND

There's something wrong with all of these new electronic gadgets coming out. Mostly it's how different brands widgets interacting with other brand widgets which is most annoying. And I'm not talking about programing flaws, I think those issues are covered well enough elsewhere.

I'm talking about actual logistic problems caused by having a flat screen TV, Surround sound systems speakers, various gaming systems and all the other nonsense.

Ignoring the most obvious flaws (WIRES- god i hate wires).....The installation of a new webcam on my boyfriend's TV left us scratching our heads and fuming slightly till about 11:00pm. Problem was.... The only way we found to fix this problem was to place said webcam on top of the flat screen TV.

Oh wait. The manufacturer didn't account for the majority of the entertainment consumers to have a flat screen TV of which THERE IS NOT ROOM TO PUT SAID WEBCAM ON TOP OF! No...for stability purposes...they decided to put a flat bottomed wide base which does not work with flat screened TVs. AT. ALL.

Now, there were some other logistics to take into account. 1) Boyfriend Jon lives in an apartment with a strict No Holes Policy. 2) there was no room in front of the TV at the base because that's where the center speaker for his surround sound system is. And 3) duct taping to his tv....= not an option apparently.'s 11:00 on a thursday night, I'm tired, and only mildly amused at his obsessed behavior to make sure this thing works before he can sleep. We've tried a plethora of things with no viable solutions in sight.

Suddenly the epiphany hits me. I locate an unused shoe box (yeah, who would have thought there's be an empty shoe box in a guy's apartment) and start hacking away at it with my knife (cause I'm the girlfriend who always has a sharp knife with her somewhere). A few bits of packing tape and voila! Jon's very own-custom designed-on top of the flat screen TV- Stand.

From Firefly's Haven

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