
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A non specific tag that i'm going to respond to..

My good old friend Becca wrote a non-specific tag about 7 quirks. Since i'm currently bored, I'm going to add my own.
*Link to your original tagger(s).
*Share seven facts about yourself in the post-some random, some weird.
*Tag seven people at the end of your post by leaving their names and the links to their blogs.
*Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs/twitter.
*List these rules.

Ok, my 7 quirks
1) I absolutely hate other people clipping their nails in at their cubicle next door to me. That kind of stuff should be done in your room or preferably your bathroom. I understand the occasional hangnail, but that's not all 10 fingers and *cringe* toenails.

2) I don't like red sauces. Like Spagettie and marinara sauce.

3) I'm terrified of crabs. The kind from the ocean. They are disgusting and unnatrual. Uncooked crabs have goo inside of their exo skeleton! Goo...Things should not be able to funcion with Goo instead of muscles! I avoid the fish sections at grocerie stores like the plague. I even subconciously move to the far side of the isle when going past.

4) I sleep better when it is completly dark in my room. No light from electroics unless they're red which is the slowest wavelegnth and generally doesn't bother me.

5) I cannot wait to be an aunt. None of my siblings are married nor anywhere near having kids...but I really want to be an aunt. Hopefully only certain siblings however will breed....>.>

6) I need a new computer chair. Mine is broken and has been for three months..........yeah, need to get on that.....

7) If it's due on the first that means it's done on or preferably before the first! No exceptions! No excuses! And it's called being efficient! not a kiss ass.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Modern versions of Christmas carrols


It's begining to look a lot like Christmas
Everywhere you go
Take a look at the city streets
And lots of roadkill meats
And parking spots that never existed before!

It's begining to look a lot like Christmas
Dont' forget the bateries
Cause you'll never be able to hear again
for the screams and wails of children
when their toys don't work immediatly.

A very long line for the clerks that loops around the store
And nobody can find the end
Whining brats who demand of this and that
are the bane of every parent and store
And where can you find child size straight jackets?

It's begining to look a lot like Christmas
Soon the cussing will start
And the thing that will make you grin
is the finger not for rings
Sticking up in the air

Wow, been busy

Starting Thursday, I wasn't able to make it into work. Sure, I could have walked if i REALLY wanted to...but i didn't so i mostly stayed near to my area.
On thursday, i went for a two hour long walk and finally got to Fred Myers's to try and finish up my shopping. However they didn't have 3 of the things i wanted to get. I figured there was still time.
On Friday, I had a nightmare that my dad had had a heart attack so i braved the icy streets and went to visit my parents and my friend Colin. My dad was just fine, but i mentioned my dream to mom and she seemed to take me seriously. Dad was social, probably haven gotten somewhat tired of just Mom's company. He helped me check my car to find out if i could use chains. The manual doesn't reccomend it, but I'm hoping to get a set that fits tightly enought that it won't damage my fenders. But for now i'm just going to be careful and try to stay home as much as possible.
I left my car at my parent's house that night and walked to my friend's colin's house about a mile away (all uphill). Once there it was a lot of WoW playing as Colin tested my knowledge of what he had spent hours testing me. I know i got all the answers right but i didn't use the specified names...just what number key they were attached to, much to his chagrin. :)
I stayed there that night and was woken up on Saturday at about 8 am (note that i went to bed at about 3 or so) by his step dad leaving the back door open for about ten minutes. it was about 9 degrees out. So i went up and stole half of colin's bed and a comforter and finished resting.
Sunday was full of snow. We ended up with snow drifts up to my knee. I mostly stayed in and played wow remotley with Colin and one of his college friends.
Monday, i decided it was not worth it to try and chase after three busses to get into work. So i stayed in again. But long about noon, i took another walk and decided that the roads were mostly slush.
This brought forth an adventure in driving on ice and snow and slush. thankfully, i didn't slide anywhere. But i did see several cars do enormously stupid things. I'll talk about those on another day.
Finally, the shopping was complete! As well as all the wapping and finding creative ways to package gift cards. While taping them to the bottom of a chunk of rail road tie was an immensly amusing gift, it's kind of been done to death in our family. So this year, i can't wait for my brother to open up an at home hair coloring kit or my uncle to open up cold medicine.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Attack of the Scrooge

Warning: If you want happy, sweet, joyful thoughts about this holiday season; Do not read further.

I love the holidays, really I do. I love the ice skating rinks and the brisk weather, snowflakes and christmas lights.

What irritates the hell out of me is the whining children, entitled consumers, public family arguments, agressive drivers, and inconsiderate, difficult teenagers.

Since many of you will have seen this, i will only elaborate on one instance of how rediculous Christmas has become this year alone.

Walking through the store one day trying to think of something considerate to get for my brother without a clue where to begin, i began just wandering, hoping my eye would catch on something. I was thinking about a set of poker chips and headed towards the gaming section.
While i was comparing prices I truely couldn't help but overhearing a very loud crash and a child ear splitting scream.
Concerned for what could possibly have made a kid scream like that, i rushed around the corner ready to offer assitance if i could. In the next isle, is a woman trying to pick up toys which had been knocked to the ground by a VERY unruly child of maybe 7 or 8.
I stepped mostly out of sight seeing the mother's frazzled state and not wanting her to feel humiliated further. The mother finished picking up the toys and then picked up what I figured out later to be a Nintendo DS. She handed it back to the child.
My jaw just about dropped clear to the floor when the child started whining again. saying "It's broken you stupid cow" This time the mom managed to capture the kids arm in mid swing as it tried to throw it again. She took it out of the child's hand and tried to mess with it. At that point i figured it was probably pretty broken; having just been launched a good five feet. All the while the child is yelling at the mom calling her stupid and demanding that she get a new one.
When it became clear that it was not just a simple matter of resetting, the mom hurried over to the electronics department which wasn't far away. I couldn't help myself, I followed to see what she would do. To my dismay, she proptly picked out a brand new pink Nintendo DS, pay for it and open it up to hand it to the child.
I was in too much shock to even say anything. This brings the Era of Entitlement to a whole new level. They don't even care about Christmas any's an International Day of the Greedy, Ungrateful, Dissrespctful, Conumeristic Pains In the ASS.

Friday, December 12, 2008

This is what happens while my brain recovers from burnout...

I spend entirely too much time playing World of Warcraft, watching old movies, avoiding cleaning my very messy room without actually leaving it and apparently come up with another very likely novel idea.

*: I have achieved 4 whole levels in three days. For some this is like what happens in a single day, but that's saying a lot for me. I'm in love with Feline Form for my Tauren Druid. Between Swipe, Claw and Rake....i'm causeing nearly as much damage as the warrior of our party. Still need to learn how to manuver better...i don't know if my computer pseudo laggs or if it's my mouse or just my hand but all of my movement is jerky and disjointed making it difficult for me to manuver. On the plus side, i got a wireless keyboard and mouse...making my WoW obesssion (thanks alot Becca) all the more easy for me to live with.

**:When i was little, my Great Aunt and my Grandma used to come out and stay with us for the summer. I have a lot of good memories of them which slowly started to turn sad as they lost their memories and grew harsh and suspicious. But they did provide me with a great knowledge that i probably never would have come by otherwise....since it was summer and they had control of the TV, i was in charge of putting in all the old movies my mom could find. Things like "The Bells of St. Mary's, the African Queen, Shirley Temple movies, The King and I,...." I got to fall in love with characters when movies were still new. I forgot how much i used to enjoy the raw emotion, and dramatic facial expressions that have all but dissapeared in many of today's films, favored for slap stick humor. A story could be told without words back then... So thanks to Comcast.....i get to relive so many of my childhood favorites.

***: My room is a mess again....I haven't hung up my book shelf. so all my books are in the laundry basket still which means dirty clothes are on the floor. And breaking down the box for my tv meant all the styraphome is still around my room.

****: And yes, somehow my brain has not let go of NaNo. The wheels are still turning. Reading an artical about the odds of their being life beyond Earth, got me thinking. What happens after first contact? Who directs the relationship, how does the mutual learning develop. All these thoughts and all of a sudden i have the basis for another story. >_< no no no! brain stop doing this...i need to finish my current story! oh hell. Maybe i'll write this story instead of script frenzy in April...cause i don't think it can wait until November...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The black cloud has dissapated...and i didn't get hit by lightning after all....

Monday morning, I literally was one broken fingernail away from loosing all sembelance of control. It was like I had a black cloud following me around and it wouldn't go away. It must have seriously been fucking with my brain cause i started thinking things that were horrible thoughts.

On the way home from work i had a moment, i guess you could call it like a premonition, where i was certain i was experianceing a head on collision. I of course was sitting at a red light stuck in "going home" traffic and there was no way for me to go nearly fast enough for my airbag to deploy.
A few blocks later, i imagined that i was biting into something and imagined this searing pain in my gumline as if i had broken several of my teeth down into the root all at once. I shake my head and quickly pull into the nearest parking lot to get control of myself. I mean, these were vividly awful thoughts going through my head. I have no idea what prompted them, but after that they at least left me alone.

When i got home, i quickly darted into my room and got under the covers of my bed as fast as I could and just relaxed. Something about down comfortors just makes me calm down. I stayed there for about 45 minutes and just meditated in my warm little cocoon.

Thinking back over this weekend, i really have to feel proud of myself. My roommate springs on me that she's moving out and i didn't freak out, just started looking for ways to fix it. The tv blew up and i replaced it, my car got hit and i went after the jerk. Once my dad alerted me to my debit card being gone, i took care of it. Every little crisis that came up this weekend, I handled. I didn't go crying to mommy and daddy to kiss it and make it all better. Yeah, i freaked out to my best friend because i was overwhelmed, but i'm human, it happens. But when everything came down the wire, i was able to handle it and do something about it instead of sitting down and wailing about injustice and it's too hard.
Since i've moved out, i don't think my dad's quite come to terms that all of his kids are out on their own now. He's started becomming rather nasty about a lot of things. Telling us we have to deal with it on our own when we come to him for what he used to give sage advice for. Even my sister who was the first one out, has noticed a hostile change in him since I moved out. It was very hard for me to go straight into independence without my dad as a resource anymore even just for advice, or anything.
But this weekend has proven to me that even though i get overwhelmed, i still can buck up and get the job done. It's proving that i can do this on my own if necessary.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Unbeliveable string of bad luck...

Ok, I do believe in Karma, what goes around, comes around and that she is as big of if not a bigger bitch than i am.

Even though my previous post was titled about how evil I am, I cannot believe that had anything to do with this. the girl was laughing the entire time and smiling after her initial mortified look when she didn't know how i would react.
That is in no way possible justification for how unbeliveably shitty my weekend was. I can't make this kind of stuff up....

Friday: recieve a text message. My phone was in my bra because i was wearing coveralls since i was working in the woodshop and that was the easiest place to put it where i could get at it easily. In the process of trying to get my phone, i hooked my finger in my grandmother's necklace and broke the chain and lost the charm somewhere in Home Deopot.
Open the text message and find out that my roommate has decided to take a job in Pennselvania and is going to move out. Now i have to find a roommmate at the worst possible time of the year...the holidays! FUCKING WONDERFUL

Saturday: MY TV BLOWS UP. Like smoke and everything. And my roommate is in the shower so i can't exactly barge in there and ask where the circut box is. It's not THAT old of a tv, but jeeze...not what i want to deal with.
I then later that day broke my heel to a pair of shoes that i happen to really like, not my favorites at least.....Then the damn cat trips me. I swear to god cat if you do that again, i'm going to drop kick you into the lake at our appartment complex.

Sunday: backing out of my parking stall at my apartment (I go slow because i can't see around the other car and i've had a few close encounters so i go very very slow so hopefully another car would have time to see me and stop or at least honk), and another car (who was speeding) glances off of my bumper like he didn't even see my car backing out. He didn't stop untill i pulled out as fast as i could safely and took off after him, so pissed i was about to pull some stunt man style driving to cut him off. Luckily for his fucking ass, he saw i was comming after him and pulled over. He gets out of the car and doesn't even ask me if i'm ok. he just keeps going on "it's ok it's ok" Like it's my fucking fault! uh no buddy, it's your fault for hitting me and trying to run. i quickly write down his liscence plate number on my palm so he can see it just in case he gets the idea to try and drive away again before i'm finished with him. He gets the picture and starts looking at HIS vehicle to assess the damage. I go over to mine and try rubbing the marks now on my bumper. Thankfully, my first stroke of good luck and it rubs off like a scuff mark on lenoium. I'm glad karma is a bitch because his wheel fender had a nice big crack in it. Since he didn't want any information and my car was just scuffed i let him go. And turned in his liscence plate number to the front office so they can cite him for speeding though the residence.

No gets better....

Later that night i made the mistake of going out (in general) with my buddy Kenny for dinner and to at least laugh some at this whole damn weekend. We decided to get ice cream afterward and i paid. I had decided to not take my whole wallet with me that night and instead had just my ID card, debit and credit in my pocket. Apparently i didn't get my Debit card back deep enough in my pocket because it as i found out later, obviously fell out. I get a phone call about two and a half hours from my dad who's yelling at me. When i finally make out what it's about, i discover that my debit card is missing and someone picked it up. At least they were nice enough to call around in the phone book for people with my last name. Since i'm not listed, they got ahold of my parents who then got hold of me. So i'm getting chewed out by my dad, i can't hear him because a friend of Kenny's and mine brought his pill of a 2 year old (i've never wanted to smack a kid so badly in my life) and she's screaming as loudly as possible, my dad isn't listening to me that i don't have anythign to write with at the moment and if he could just hold on and stop talking for a second i could get something.

In the middle of this whirlwind, i did a pretty good job keeping everything together. but that finally broke me. when i got home I called my best friend and started crying to him. I just couldn't deal with all of it anymore. He calmed me down and gave me a starting point to fix it all.
So today that's what i'm doing. I have a new tv, i got my debit card back, my mom i guess chewed my dad out for yelling at me and told him all that i'm going through so he emailed me to appologize and ask how he could help, my car is ok so i'm not too freaked out about that anymore, and i've basically decided that if one more thing goes wrong today; if i so much as break a nail...i'm going to go home and crawl under my comforter and not come out till spring.

Friday, December 5, 2008

I truely have my hillariously evil moments...

I had a great celibratory get together with four of the other Eastside Wrimers whom i've been getting to know this last month. They truely are some amazing hillarious people. I'm honored to have had the chance to get to know them and we're all so different but yet we can talk on a variety of subjects and never have those moments of scilence where no one knows what to reply with.

I have to say thought that by far the most exciting and hillarious moment of the night did not occure at the table where we convigned but in the bathroom. The story is as follows:
As i'm getting up from the table, one of the group jokes that, "Oh we're boring you so much that you're gonna leave"
By that point, I had already gotten around the table to where she was on my way to the bathroom. I respond "No, i'm going to the bathroom, unless you'd like me to go right here."
Her quick comeback: "Go right ahead"
Thankfully i had a comeback of my own all ready for her. I sat down on her lap. She kinda sputtered inchoheranty for a couple seconds, and then i got up and we all had a good laugh. However nature was calling so i made my way to the bathroom again.
I go to push open the door to the ladies room and am immediatly asaulted with cleaner by a trigger happy employee who was attempting to spray the door handle on the other side of the door. She get's this moritifed look on her face and freezes in that huddled pose for a second or two while we stare at each other with dumbfounded suprise before she starts babbling applogies.
Too precious a impulse to resist, I promptly throw my arms in the air and yell "I SWEAR OFFICER, I'M CLEAN!" While managing to keep a semi straight face.
Other patrons look around at my back to see what the ruckus is all about.
The poor probably 16 year old employee is turning bright red at this point as I'm trying to not laugh and i go into the stall and do my business. As i'm done, i flip the lock on the stall door and yell again "I'm comming out! Don't Shoot!" sending the poor girl into more helpless laughter as she's still trying to clean the bathroom.
I ask her if it's safe to use the sink. She's laughing too hard to say anything but she points to one of them and manages to nod.
Once i've washed my hands i go to open the door as she delberatly puts down the spray cleaner as if to assure me that she won't spray me again on the way out.
Again, the impulse is by far too overwhelming to resist. As i open the door, i look over at her and say "Thanks for cleaning me out!" and walk past a good number of very confused patrons who are looking at me like i'm crazy.

I love being silly and confusing people. I had my entire group laughing hysterically with the story.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Pulling in the reins

My office is set up as follows:

1 - 2 - 3 .......... 2 is the mail area and one office
4 - 5 - 6 .......... 5 bathrooms and the break room
7 - 8 - 9 .......... 8 conference room and print area

I sit in the lower left corner of 6. My team is dispersed through area 9 and 12

Diana, my co-worker/fellow administrative assistant/ thinks she's in charge of me even though she isn't/ sits in area 9

Diana's boss is in area 1. Her team are in areas 7 and 10. There however are two very minor players to her team in section 12.

As to why she's seated in my team's area....i have no fucking clue.

New development!!!!!

Diana apparently is moving to a cubicle in area 4 that has been empty for oh i dont' know....8 months! :-/

Knowing my boss who's been trying to elbow Diana's boss from putting his people in my boss's area for 3 is highly likely.........*drumroll please*

That I'll get Diana's desk! Which is not only bigger but closer to my team. considering i'm the only one not in my teams area now and i'm the admin.........THIS IS AWSOME!

On the even brighter side: I will no longer have to hear her chatting away wasting time when i know that later she will ask for my help because they "didn't give her enough time" to do the job she was supposed to be doing while she was chatting. and though i know that will still be the case, at least i won't have to hear it.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

In which I finally realize that i haven't cleaned my room in a month

My room is a mess. For a normally tidy person having 3/4 of the floor covered in clothes and a desk that's pilied high with .....what the hell is that?

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why I haven't been able to stay focused for hmm going on a week now. e.g: I've sat her for 9 minutes staring at this exact screen.

Now that NaNo is done, hey guess what...time to clean and change stuff.
#1: Fold all the clothes that are spilling out of my rack (i don't have drawers so it's all in those metal snap together cubes in my closet) and off the floor because they're all clean anyway. Make sure laundry basket is empty for use in #6.
#2: Return those rented movies, thank god for Blockbuster not having late fees if you do actually return them. and go through all that paperwork on top of your desk.
#3: Get all food into garbage receptical not in room, take all dishes to kitchen and wash them.
#4: Clean anything not mentioned above until room is at desired level of order.
#5: Vacuum and dust....yes there is such a thing as a dust rag and you can use it without it biting you.
#6: Take all books off of bookshelf and place in laundry basket to make bookshelf easier to hang up on wall with help of dad or neighbor.
#7: Sweet talk said dad or neighbor to help me move the rectangular desk out of my room and over to my dad's workshop.
#8: Cut desk into desired kidney shape, edge with plastic to prevent partical board from crumbling and reattach legs.....somehow.
#9: Sweet talk said dad or neighbor to help me get it back over to my apartment and put it back in room in new arangement that allows me to watch TV and work on my computer without having to turn around! WIN! If all else fails, it is possible for me to do this by myself by why try to cram it into my economy car when neighbor has Ford F150 truck?
#10: Get life back in order.

Monday, December 1, 2008

breaking the 69th post

Just found it funny that it's been stuck like that for a while.

Nano is complete, i finished both the word count and the story i was writing for it, Go ME!
I'm tired now, and i almost ran a red light comming back from lunch today. Go ME!

I failed at hanging lights the first time, so i put them outside and they now don't blink the same way....damnit.

Our cat is nuts, and he talks back. I want to smack my roommate for being lazy. Cause there's no way that you can say you've been looking for a job and still be unemployed for almost 6 months when you're trying to be a nanny. Common! after the second month i'd be waiting tables or something just to make some kind of money if no nanny gigs showed up. At least her half of the rent is still getting paid. Now she's starting to talk about looking out of the state. That's comforting. -_-

Oh and never put two Tablespoons of salt in any kind of's a bad idea.

However whipped honey butter is amazing. I took a good size jar over for thanksgiving and i'm pretty sure it's all gone now. It's great on popcorn too.