
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Wow, been busy

Starting Thursday, I wasn't able to make it into work. Sure, I could have walked if i REALLY wanted to...but i didn't so i mostly stayed near to my area.
On thursday, i went for a two hour long walk and finally got to Fred Myers's to try and finish up my shopping. However they didn't have 3 of the things i wanted to get. I figured there was still time.
On Friday, I had a nightmare that my dad had had a heart attack so i braved the icy streets and went to visit my parents and my friend Colin. My dad was just fine, but i mentioned my dream to mom and she seemed to take me seriously. Dad was social, probably haven gotten somewhat tired of just Mom's company. He helped me check my car to find out if i could use chains. The manual doesn't reccomend it, but I'm hoping to get a set that fits tightly enought that it won't damage my fenders. But for now i'm just going to be careful and try to stay home as much as possible.
I left my car at my parent's house that night and walked to my friend's colin's house about a mile away (all uphill). Once there it was a lot of WoW playing as Colin tested my knowledge of what he had spent hours testing me. I know i got all the answers right but i didn't use the specified names...just what number key they were attached to, much to his chagrin. :)
I stayed there that night and was woken up on Saturday at about 8 am (note that i went to bed at about 3 or so) by his step dad leaving the back door open for about ten minutes. it was about 9 degrees out. So i went up and stole half of colin's bed and a comforter and finished resting.
Sunday was full of snow. We ended up with snow drifts up to my knee. I mostly stayed in and played wow remotley with Colin and one of his college friends.
Monday, i decided it was not worth it to try and chase after three busses to get into work. So i stayed in again. But long about noon, i took another walk and decided that the roads were mostly slush.
This brought forth an adventure in driving on ice and snow and slush. thankfully, i didn't slide anywhere. But i did see several cars do enormously stupid things. I'll talk about those on another day.
Finally, the shopping was complete! As well as all the wapping and finding creative ways to package gift cards. While taping them to the bottom of a chunk of rail road tie was an immensly amusing gift, it's kind of been done to death in our family. So this year, i can't wait for my brother to open up an at home hair coloring kit or my uncle to open up cold medicine.

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