
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Pulling in the reins

My office is set up as follows:

1 - 2 - 3 .......... 2 is the mail area and one office
4 - 5 - 6 .......... 5 bathrooms and the break room
7 - 8 - 9 .......... 8 conference room and print area

I sit in the lower left corner of 6. My team is dispersed through area 9 and 12

Diana, my co-worker/fellow administrative assistant/ thinks she's in charge of me even though she isn't/ sits in area 9

Diana's boss is in area 1. Her team are in areas 7 and 10. There however are two very minor players to her team in section 12.

As to why she's seated in my team's area....i have no fucking clue.

New development!!!!!

Diana apparently is moving to a cubicle in area 4 that has been empty for oh i dont' know....8 months! :-/

Knowing my boss who's been trying to elbow Diana's boss from putting his people in my boss's area for 3 is highly likely.........*drumroll please*

That I'll get Diana's desk! Which is not only bigger but closer to my team. considering i'm the only one not in my teams area now and i'm the admin.........THIS IS AWSOME!

On the even brighter side: I will no longer have to hear her chatting away wasting time when i know that later she will ask for my help because they "didn't give her enough time" to do the job she was supposed to be doing while she was chatting. and though i know that will still be the case, at least i won't have to hear it.

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