
Friday, December 5, 2008

I truely have my hillariously evil moments...

I had a great celibratory get together with four of the other Eastside Wrimers whom i've been getting to know this last month. They truely are some amazing hillarious people. I'm honored to have had the chance to get to know them and we're all so different but yet we can talk on a variety of subjects and never have those moments of scilence where no one knows what to reply with.

I have to say thought that by far the most exciting and hillarious moment of the night did not occure at the table where we convigned but in the bathroom. The story is as follows:
As i'm getting up from the table, one of the group jokes that, "Oh we're boring you so much that you're gonna leave"
By that point, I had already gotten around the table to where she was on my way to the bathroom. I respond "No, i'm going to the bathroom, unless you'd like me to go right here."
Her quick comeback: "Go right ahead"
Thankfully i had a comeback of my own all ready for her. I sat down on her lap. She kinda sputtered inchoheranty for a couple seconds, and then i got up and we all had a good laugh. However nature was calling so i made my way to the bathroom again.
I go to push open the door to the ladies room and am immediatly asaulted with cleaner by a trigger happy employee who was attempting to spray the door handle on the other side of the door. She get's this moritifed look on her face and freezes in that huddled pose for a second or two while we stare at each other with dumbfounded suprise before she starts babbling applogies.
Too precious a impulse to resist, I promptly throw my arms in the air and yell "I SWEAR OFFICER, I'M CLEAN!" While managing to keep a semi straight face.
Other patrons look around at my back to see what the ruckus is all about.
The poor probably 16 year old employee is turning bright red at this point as I'm trying to not laugh and i go into the stall and do my business. As i'm done, i flip the lock on the stall door and yell again "I'm comming out! Don't Shoot!" sending the poor girl into more helpless laughter as she's still trying to clean the bathroom.
I ask her if it's safe to use the sink. She's laughing too hard to say anything but she points to one of them and manages to nod.
Once i've washed my hands i go to open the door as she delberatly puts down the spray cleaner as if to assure me that she won't spray me again on the way out.
Again, the impulse is by far too overwhelming to resist. As i open the door, i look over at her and say "Thanks for cleaning me out!" and walk past a good number of very confused patrons who are looking at me like i'm crazy.

I love being silly and confusing people. I had my entire group laughing hysterically with the story.

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