
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Full schedule

It seems like every year, after NaNo is over, i hit the ground running trying to play catch up on all the things that fell on the wayside during November.
And then after 2 weeks, suddenly i remember all the things that need to be done before December and the frantic scheduling begins.

I have maybe six wood working projects for christmas presents, including helping a buddy make something for his fiance. As far as i know this friend has a decent cursory knowledge of wood working, as in if i handed him a sander, i'm sure he would know what to do with it. On top of that, i've managed to whittle my christmas list down to about 150 total.

Also, two sewing's looking like my new duvet cover project is going to be put off until i have spare time.

And finally, some good news.
My sister had a perk to go to a spa hotel overnight for free. And when work travel got in the way of going before the offer expired...guess who she called.
Oh yeah, Canada, baby...look out. Here we come!

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