
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

NaNo 2011 - Day 29

So on November 24th at 4:50pm, i completed the designated 50,000 words for NaNoWriMo.

And then i stopped writing.

I can't really explain why other than to tell you that my brain keeps demanding that i fix this crappy first draft that i wrote. Yet, i seem to be finding every excuse possible to ignore it.

I've finished the entire Hunger Games trilogy and loved every second of the books. They're complex, twisting, and raw real...not teflon real. you know what i mean: the main character never suffers anything worse than a hangnail. These books were marvelous.

I did write an email apologizing to my read-along-ers and explaining what i had meant to do, especially after i had figured out a much better way to go about it.

I planned out my reward for reaching the 50k: a hour long massage that my back is despairingly in need of
I planned a triple date out with my fellow NaNo-ers where even I will be wearing a dress (gasp)
I planned out my christmas gifts for my family and Jon's family
I planned out my gift to myself: a new duvet cover which i'm sewing because anything i like is over 200$

Basically i did everything i could to avoid the rest of my story. Perhaps it was burn out...perhaps it was frustration that it didn't turn out the way i had hoped. All i know, is that i'm ready for December.

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