
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

NaNo 2011 - Day 9

Silly me, i've been so caught up in my break neck speed that i've forgotten to post my numbers. Usually when the site for NaNo comes up, my word count widgets pop up on my site and keep track of how i'm doing. But the site is having some glitches since the relaunch and my widgets arent' working.

Today is November 9th. My word count before having typed anything today is 20,028
My goal for tonight is to pass the halfway mark...something that has never happened so early. usually i'm a day or two ahead of schedule. Not almost a week.

I'm pretty darn proud of myself.

Boyfriend Jon crossed the halfway mark last night. And i'm right on his heels.

And of course...just as i'm getting ready to post this...i find out that my widgets have started working again. Go figure.

Check out the left side of the blog for my NaNo 2011 track record. The days turn green when I've written 1667 words for the day. Yellow if i'm over the daily quota but didn't write the 1667 words. Red, if i didn't make either.

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