
Monday, November 7, 2011

NaNo 2011 - Day 7

So last night, i finally got my timeline and route in order and went to bed thinking about how to write it. I woke up and was all energized to go.

I was in such a good mood that even an extra dump of work on my desk couldn't phase me. Cause as soon as I got home i was going to kick some NaNo butt! Hiiiyaaa!

And then my sister called.

Oh yeah, i'm the horrible daughter that forgot her mom's tonight. In the words of Homer Simpson: D'OH!

Not to mention i found that apparently i'm taking her to the Verizon store tonight to help her pick out her new smart phone. Which since my mom is not extremely technologically savvy...means extensive answering of questions. Which will probably take a lot of time. Time i had hoped to get back into the swing (finally) of my story! happens.

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