A lot is going on in my personal life, and my professional life and i just try to keep my head above water. I've barely had time to write while at work, even when i stay through my lunch hour. and then i come home and try to keep my hands off of Boyfriend Jon. No, get your minds out of the gutter, it's so that he can heat them up with his furnace of a torso.
Then there's been the endless task of making myself comfortable enough to concentrate on writing. All my normal tricks haven't been working. My back starts to ache on the couch, my butt when i'm sitting on the floor, i can't put my feet up on the dining table and i no longer have a desk due to my crazy tiny apartment. Even my characters are being uncooperative. I specifically chose characters that are NOT the strong silent type. But when i write them, they keep trying to be.
Everything this year just seems off. I can't explain how, just disappointingly off.
Normally, by the time i'm past the halfway point, i'm desperately searching for a climax to my story, which is always the hardest part for me. This year, I've been struggling with breaking out of the monotony of their normal lives. I can't for the life of me thing of how to weave mythology into the beginning, and really don't want to have this imaginary line that they cross somewhere on the Atlantic and suddenly, gods and legends become real.
It took me 17k to get them out of america.
It took me another 17 to get them off the damn boat on their trans Atlantic crossing.
Then i stupidly put them on a train. And after three thousands words of that, i finally had enough.
This is not the story i wanted to write. It's boring, and my characters are about as deep as a birdbath. I cannot take another 15k words to get things to start happening.
I can't take this anymore. I'm terrified now that i'll get to November 30th and will barely have written any of the exciting and gripping tale that i went into NaNo trying to write. And since i really don't do much writing outside of NaNo, i don't want this story to fall by the wayside and never get picked back up again. It has so much potential if i could just stop writing about the fricken train.
My NaNo this year was not meant to be this boring back story. And as of right now, the back story ends.
Ok, random plot twist generator....um no, nijas do not work...lets try again....
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