It was scary listening to him. Every single breath out sounded like he was coughing deep in his chest and sometimes it seemed like he was having difficulty breathing at all. His poor sides are swollen and you can see that he definitively is having some problems with his kidneys. We don't know if they're failing for sure, but at least with the doggy dope, he's not in any pain.
Meanwhile, we try to encourage him to relax and sleep as much as possible. Not that this is a problem because as long as you stay seated, he konks out.
Wallet Theif, aka Miss Molly dog is having a hard time with all the attention he's getting. She's been pawing and jumping up people more often with her "pet me! pet me!" pleading look. We know she's jealous of Rusty in that she doesn't like the attention and food he steals from her...but when you look at them together, they're a lot like an old married couple. And if Rusty were ever not there...she'd miss him a lot...except when there was food around.
Otherwise, the family is finally unwinding from all the Rusty stress and onto the Garage Sale stress. The weather seems to not want to cooperate and is threatening rain so tonight we get to figure out how to cover everything.
We have a huge, multi family haul and hopefully, we'll be able to keep track of everything and get a reasonable amount of money for it.
Me, i'm gonna spend the money on a new folding table, a new lamp a second camping/patio/gaming chair and the rest will go towards my credit card bill which still has not recovered completely from glorious San Francisco.
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