
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Food, fireworks, and sun....or not.

I haven't posted in a while for a variety of reasons. Most of them are personal and have taken a toll on my stress level. I'm worried about certain family members and trying to bite my tongue on the "I told you so" that threatens to pop out at any second.

The fact of the matter is I haven't felt like writing anything. I'm just trying to get through work and weekends one day at a time. One foot in front of the other, trudging along.

The closest I felt to normal in the last two weeks was Fourth of July weekend. I invited friends and the sweetheart down to the cabin on the 3rd, and we launched off nearly $200 worth of fireworks. But even then, it was a little off. The weather in the northwest has been unseasonably cold since April with weather patterns more akin to fall and late winter (minus snow). However, on the 3rd, the sun peaked through the clouds for a few hours and we were able to do some sun bathing and some very cold swimming. Normally, for 4th of July, it's warm enough to swim even at night.

So with the weather barely cooperating, we celebrated a day early, and I was very thankful for that. 4th of July this year, had a heavy drizzle and bleak gray skies. Hardly any fireworks could be heard after sunset on that day.

However, finally the weather decided to break it's gloomy mood. Today we should be clearing the 75 degree mark, and the rest of the week will be even better.

It's been making me think about my apartment. It's the first time i've ever been on the bottom floor and friends are telling me that in their experience...bottom floors are a lot cooler in the summer. If the weather this year is going to hit into the 100 degrees, I'm looking forward to that added bonus. The only downside is that i won't be able to open my windows and doors at night to let the cool air in, unless I'm staying up late and have my bat handy.

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