
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Crows, and The Blob

I don't know what evolutionary reason that crows are up before dawn, but I sure as hell don't like it.

I've said it before, and I'll remind you. Rude awakenings make for a VERY crabby Anne.

My bedroom window faces the trash area of my little apartment cul-de-sac. It's far enough away that i never smell it, but it's within earshot. And every morning, i hear the indignant caws of the crows fighting over the trash. The loud, grating, inconsiderate argument over a bananna peel or a burger wrapper. Were i still at home, i could easily pull out my blow gun (yes, i own a blow gun) and stalk the stupid birds until i was close enough to shoot them with a paintball pellet. No, i'm not completely heartless; I use non lethal force to get them to go somewhere else. But here in the apartment complex, the last thing i would want would be someone to call the cops cause there's a crazy lady with some kind of weapon shooting crows.

So i am left, every morning, starting at about 4am, tossing and turning to their debate over garbage. Anyone have any ideas of what else i can do?

In other news, i tried a new recipe for my bread machine. This one was offline since following the recipe in the booklet for this specific model yields dense salty bread. Standard recipes are so bland, it's like eating flour paste. But I must say this new recipe was delicious! It's called Springtime loaf and i simply left out the raisins and optional extras. It has a nice sweet taste and it's light and fluffy. Maybe a little too fluffy. I went to bed before it finished, and I awoke to find the dough had seeped out from under the lid and crept all the way down to the counter. I had "The Blob" in my kitchen. Obviously, this recipe was meant for a double or full sized bread maker and not my small version. Not to worry, halving this recipe should be reasonably easy. And as luck would have it, the part of the over zealous loaf which was in the tin....was PERFECT and i was able to cut off the extra non cooked dough.

Oh yeah, and today is 8 months with the sweetheart. I don't typically celibate monthly, but I felt like he deserved an acknowledgment for putting up with me recently. I love you!

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