
Monday, April 6, 2009

Nearly everybody gets twitterpated in the springtime

At long last we have seen the sun in Seattle again! It was so wonderful, seeing shadows and feeling the actual WARMTH of the sun. I took a picnic lunch and sat out under the shade of a cherry tree in it's full and glorious bloom and just enjoyed the weather. I even had a small cat decide to come and join me. I have dubbed him Dapple because he looks like he's covered in blury spots of several colors. I don't know why cats like me; I'm very much a dog person. But he was friendly and ended up curled up on my lap. I've seen him around a few times and usually stop to pet him. He's a talkative cat. I find it strange when i can carry a conversation with a cat and get responses with infer-able meaning (no pun intended)

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