
Monday, March 30, 2009

A movie I actually felt like writing about

First off, just for fun, i shall tell you how i came by this movie:
It was sitting on my parent's coffee table by way of my uncle, a man with neanderthalic ideas about women and their roles compared to men. When asking my dad if i could borrow the movie the response i received (at 22 and not living at home anymore) was "No, it's too risque!"
I looked at him, kind of stunned that he would think that i couldn't handle it and shrugged and said..."Ok, I'll rent it then". To which he seemed to come to some form of sense and said, "oh ok, just go ahead and borrow it."

The movie:
starring Milla Jovokovich. More commonly recognized for her roles in the Resident Evil movies as the sexy nearly nude gun slinging humanity-detached agent, Alice.
In this movie, she's a sexy, gun happy, cussing, street dealer accomplice. Oh, and basically, nothing is left to the imagination anymore about her body. Definitely a risque movie and not one to watch if that bothers you. Also don't watch if you can't stomach vivid domestic abuse horrifically detailed out by characters that fit the roles phenomenally. Though i will admit it was a bit of a shock to see tough "Alice" turn into screaming, trembling "Kat"
Big Al, her....boyfriend/boss/ quite a character played by Angus Macfadyen
of Braveheart fame. I believed every dialogue, every facial expression, every gesture; that he was that character.
And the ending left me guessing. They give you 4 possible people that did it, and then eliminate 2 of them and after that, if you know anything about street mentality, you can guess who it is.
The movie was riveting, the kind like a train wreck that you can't pull your eyes off of because it's so disturbing.
Don't get me wrong. I don't like watching subjects as awful as this and i had to keep reminding myself in the back of my head that it was a movie. But i did wonder if sometimes Milla had to stop the shot because it seemed too real.
One thing that did bother me about the movie itself was the extent of cussing. It's the same as Scarface. I can't watch it for very long because the word "F U C K" is inserted every third word and it detracts from the dialogue. Not to mention they mumble and make it hard to figure out what they're saying so while you're trying to figure out what they're saying then realize they're just cussing, i sit back and try to catch up feeling like i wasted the effort to figure it out.

Overall, it was a different movie experience from recent movies I've watched. To be honest...i recommend you watch it. I was surprised just how riveting it was.

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