
Thursday, November 3, 2011

NaNo 2011 - Day 1

I tossed and turned the entire night through til the morning of November 1. Plot pitfalls, tangents, uncooperative characters, a messy apartment, huge food fights at the write ins,  my parents guilt tripping me and a variety of other nightmares danced through my dreams all night long. But when i slapped my alarm clock and seriously considiered calling in sick, it suddenly hit me.


I was practically prancing into work and using every spare second (of breaks of course) to type.

By 9:30pm, i was there. 5,006 words. I had mostly re-written or typed up the original plot bunny and added some depth to my characters. I was hoping to avoid the back story dump, but i think I've figured out a way to make it help pass some boring time in the story line. If not...oh well, that's what editing is for.

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