
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Quarter Century

In short of just two weeks, it'll be my 25th birthday.

Wow. Just wow. How the heck did i get here so fast? I feel like i'm still getting used to being 21! And then i start to think back over my life and i'm just blown away by all the things that I've experienced.

In my lifetime:

  • DNA is used to start convicting criminals and free innocent people
  • The Berlin Wall falls
  • The first President George Bush was in office
  • The Hubble Telescope was launched into orbit
  • The Soviet Union collapsed
  • Operation Desert Storm (where my brother would end up going)
  • The official end of the Cold War
  • Bill Clinton elected as President 
  • the LA Riots after the Rodney King verdict
  • The rapid growth of the World Wide Web
  • The bombing of the WTC
  • OJ Simpson arrested for double murder and later freed 
  • Oklahoma City Bombing
  • Mad Cow Disease hits Britan 
  • The divorce of Princess Diana and Prince Charles
  • The Unabomber arrested
  • The Hale-Bopp Commet arrives 
  • Pathfinder reaches Mars and sends back pictures
  • Princess Diana dies in a car crash
  • A sheep named Dolly is the first successful cloning
  • President Clinton has the Lewinski scandal
  • Star Wars is re-released with all new digital alterations (Han originally shot first)
  • Kuala-Limpor bulids the tallest buildings in the world
  • Titanic becomes the most successful movie ever (scoff)
  • President Clinton Impeached 
  • The Y2K bug causes worldwide concern
  • Horrific shooting at Columbine school
  • The ILOVEYOU virus causes a heck of a lot of trouble
  • Reality TV takes off (forever dropping the bar on good tv)
  • George Bush the second scrapes by a win for President (537 votes)
  • September 11th happens forever changing America 
    • I was walking past the old Junior High School library when they made an announcement. I went in and watched the smoke and chaos on a live feed on the projector wondering if my aunt was alive since she works in NYC. (much closer to central park i later learned)
  • The Xbox is introduced and Halo flys off the shelves.
  • The introduction of the iPod MP3 player and iTunes
  • We go to war against Iraq
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger becomes Governor of CA
  • MySpace and Facebook debut, Myspace being completely public gains popularity faster
  • The Mars Rover lands on Mars
  • George Bush wins re-election
  • Facebook no longer just for college students. Quickly outstrips Myspace
  • Hurricane Katrina hits the gulf causing massive destruction 
  • The Introduction of YouTube and Twitter
  • The Introduction of the iPhone
  • Barack Obama wins the election, the US's first black president 
  • Chrysler and GM go bankrupt
  • Charles Sullenberger lands a plane on the Hudson River instead of crashing
  • Michael Jackson dies
  • the Wiki Leaks
  • Haiti and Japan earthquakes
  • Osama Bin Laden captured and killed
  • Prince William and Kate Middleton wed
  • Space Shuttle Atlantis lands, marking the end of the space shuttle flights

It's hard to believe i was alive for the birth of Email, cell phones, electric cars, media that can reach you live from the other side of the planet, satellites leaving our known solar's all stuff that just as far back as my dad's generation had no concept of. I mean, even my sister, just 14 years older than me, reminds me of a time when you simply memorized everyone's number that you would need.

I'm not trying to incite a political debate about which event is most important out of all the events of the last 25 years. I just am sitting back and marveling at the path the world has taken in my lifetime.

Yes there have been horrible events mixed in with extraordinary advancements in technology, science, the women's movement, equal rights amendments, and even art. But just thirty years ago, most of this was the filler of pure science fiction.

However, the bonehead that let Reality TV in needs to be slapped with a dead fish.

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