
Monday, June 6, 2011

Post San Fran Adventures

San Francisco was a whirlwind. It was going going gone. There was so much to see and so little time to see it. And yet i'm still not tired of the place. I would gladly go back again.

But nothing slowed down when i returned either. Friday was spent unpacking, cleaning and getting back to working on the end tables. They are so close! I began to iron on the edging for my tables so that you wouldn't be able to tell that i used plywood at first glance.

This took the remainder of Friday, and part of the day Saturday.

On Saturday, i also went and got my very first queen size mattress! Lindsey was getting a new frame anyway, so she gave it to me. But now i'm left with the problem of being in a 1 bedroom apartment with a double mattress and box spring AND a queen size mattress. I'm seriously lacking on extra room. With the bed bug scares, most mattress recycling places aren't taking them anymore without you having to pay them. So I'm turning to Craigslist to see if i can help someone out. I might have connected with someone, but given that it's craigslist...i wont' count my chickens before they hatch.

On Sunday, with all the glorious sunshine in the Pacific Northwest, i pulled out the wood stain and got to work.

With any luck, the tables and legs will be ready for the first finish coat tomorrow at the latest. Yay!

And the dogs missed me so much, they wouldn't leave my side all day: Yes the Wallet Thief fell asleep in that position and was snoring loudly. These dogs are soo good for entertainment value.

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