
Monday, April 25, 2011

When Facebook was for college students

When Facebook was for college students:

Friending wasn't a guilt trip.

  • Yes, obscure relative, we are related by blood, but that doesn't mean i want to know what you did in FARM-VILLE every day (even if it's not the AP that's loading the status). Nor do i want you to hear about the dirty joke that was between my friends that you're going to write me an email about how crude you find it. 
  • Your parent's had no idea what it was and were content to leave you alone about it. Now they want to be your friend and if you don't accept, it's grounds for them being mad at you. No mom, just because i write that i'm out with friends doesn't mean i'm an alcoholic. 
No friend requests from 10 year olds
  • You are not 19. No way no how. I went to your birthday party and it was a Zero, not a Nine next to that one. Also, you're in elementary school. I don't care when the next Justin Beiber concert is. STOP POKING ME! No, i will NOT friend you. Because i don't want you subjected to the topics you're too young for, and i don't want to have to censor myself on the off chance that you might see it. 
Lots of games that were visible, distracting, and fun for hours on end. 
  • Now they're hard to navigate to so it's not as enticing to play.
It wasn't blocked by company filters
  • Facebook whenever you want!
People you want to talk with.
  • The only people on there were other college students. Talking about things college students find interesting or humorous. People who respond to a political joke with an appropriate Lol, instead of taking it personally and then berating you about your all of your political views are wrong. Yes, i'm thinking of you Uncle R!
You are not reported by your friends to your parents for using the F word. 
  • Yes, this happened to me. And led to a several month long grudge from my parents because I embarrassed them. 
I know it won't happen, but i wish Facebook would go back to the way it was(especially because i already graduated). I guess it's time to beef up my privacy settings again. 

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