
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

At least the dryer isn't eating socks anymore

It's this one but in silver
I'm going to gush a little bit:

For our one year anniversary Boyfriend Jon did GOOD. Aside from being perfectly charming, romantic, and sweet, he bought me the most beautiful necklace I've ever owned. It is only rivaled by the black hills gold my father got me when i was ten.

This necklace is beautiful and just my taste. I love wearing it, and only rarely take it off. We even got a special chain for it so it would hang in the perfect spot on my chest.

I can't say it enough...I LOVE THIS NECKLACE! So when it went missing a couple days ago, i was really upset! I though i searched everywhere at my apartment thinking it was the last place i had seen it. I had just about convinced myself that i had left it at Boyfriend Jon's place (which has happened in the past) when i heard a soft clunk as i was pulling laundry out of the washer.

It was one of the pair or earrings i had been wearing when i had lost the necklace. With dread slowly rising in my stomach, i pulled out every single piece and shook it vigorously. I found the matching earring...and two dollar bills (honestly, i thought i checked all the pockets!)...but there was no sign of the necklace. As i scooped out the last of the socks on the bottom...i heard the sound of metal on metal. I dove into the half size washer, somehow cramming myself in until i could reach the bottom in the back and felt around.

There was something small there, and after several minutes of trying to get the tips of my fingers on it, i pulled the pendant back out. But there was no chain. I set the pendant aside after kissing it for happiness, and felt around again. I quickly fond something that felt like a chain, but when i pulled it up, the chain was only two inches long anymore. Feeling around some more only yielded a few more chain links. I'm not too upset: I have the pendant, and chains are cheap.

I guess my washer has developed more expensive tastes than socks. I'll have to be more thorough in my pocket searches.

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