
Monday, March 28, 2011

Warm season hair removal - Results Take 1

In my previous post, I promised that i would try out a form of hair removal called Body Sugaring and test it out then report the results back for you. I did this test on my leg only. I have no data for underarm, lip, chin, arm or bikini areas.

Here's my results:

Not impressed
Ease of making at home batch:
  • Recipe said about a half hour, It took me over 45 mins.
  • Mixture became the consistency of  thick honey when cooled to room temperature (this, i found out later was not thick enough)
  • It became the "right" consistency when put in the fridge for an hour. 
  • Most likely, the problems with this area were due to errors in the cooking time because of ME, not because this technique is flawed. 
Ease of application/removal technique:
Mixed feelings
    • Corn starch was helpful
    • Initially, it just smeared and didn't remove anything
    • After cooled, it did apply properly but warmed up in my hand absurdly quickly. I got a couple "good" flicks before it was useless
      • Running my leg under cold water and using gloves did not increase pliability time and it became a sticky gooey mess after just a couple minutes
      • Trim nails down before, I bent a couple backwards trying to get the stuff out of the bowl. Ow!
    • Flicking worked, sort of. It's a technique that definitely needs practice. 
    • I was only able to do a part of my right leg, not the whole leg before I gave up. This became horribly time consuming. 
    Pain level equivalence:
    It's Pretty Good
    • Inner and outer calf - like pulling off a strong band-aid
    • Shin and ankle area - like pulling off duct tape (i know cause i tried it to get a pain control point)
    • I said "Ahhh!" and "Ooooh!" rather than "OMG OW OW OW"s
    • It's not unbearable, but i'm not sure i would want to do this as a regular thing.
    It's Pretty Good
    Percentage of hair removed in area where applied:
    • First time:
      • Approximatively 85%
    • Second time
      • Approximatively 95%
    "Wrap Around" method for (single or stubborn hairs):
    • Verdict: Effective 95% of time
    Residual Cleanup/ After Care:
    • I loved that it was able to be cleaned up with a shower
    • I put Aloe Vera on my leg afterward as recommended.
    • The rest of the afternoon, my leg felt warm like i had a mild sunburn on it. The next day, i didn't feel any discomfort. 
    • No irritated hair follicles, no bloody follicles, no scabs on the skin, no tenderness, no red bumps.
    • One amusing effect: my leg became SHINY. I was able to see the light from the TV reflecting off my shin and i could tell where i had sugared and where i hadn't. 

    Would I recommend Body Sugaring?
    • Yes, I would. However:
      • Probably not as an at home method initially. I am planning on visiting a salon that specializes in this technique in May to see how they do it, and how they cope with some of the problems i ran into. 
      • I will also re-try to make a DIY batch and cook it more and see if that makes a difference. But that's gonna have to wait for a couple weeks, cause i couldn't stand my legs being that hairy anymore and shaved the un-sugared areas. 
    Will I be giving up my razor?
    • Unless i can get the DIY method to work as it shows in the videos, i will NOT be giving up my razor for general maintenance. 
    • But i'm not giving up on this technique. I was impressed at the amount of hairs that disappeared (when the mixture was working as it should have) and i liked the after results. Also, the pain was not unbearable. 
    • I'll keep you informed of how well it grows back in and how soon.
    • This is a very viable option for short term upkeep. 
      • like just for summer when leg showing off is at its peak
      • or vacations to warm places so i don't have to carry a razor or other maintenance items. 
    All in all, this was an interesting experiment. The ladies at work are all abuzz about this new method and several of them are going to try it in a spa and see if that works better. Also, i'd like to see if underarms works well too. 

    Honorable mention goes to Boyfriend Jon for his willingness to hold my hand for the first rip, withhold his laughter to a reasonable level, and run back and forth between me and the kitchen to get me things because my hands were sticky.
    He also approves the results, but he thinks this is just a little too crazy for him to use personally. 

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