
Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Masquerades have always enchanted me. They're the perfect blend of glamor, mystery, dancing, and fun. Perhaps it's just in my blood since masquerades were made popular by the Italians in the 16th century as part of the Venetian Carnivals. Ok, perhaps not. But something about the gorgeous gowns and glittering masks thrills me as the tomboy side of me could never understand. I'm left with a rather dorky look of excitement on my face, so i'm told.

In the process of finding something to do to celebrate Jon's official recovery from his surgery (as he unofficially scarfs down burgers, tacos and liquorish) that would double as our year+a few months-versary...i landed on the page for the dance studio I've been going to for the last 7 years. Since our (whatever)-versary lands on the 13th or 14th (to clarify, our celebration usually means being together and occasionally a special meal out) and that's when the dreaded Hallmark V-day is for February, I had to find an alternative to the timing. By grouping the recovery with it, i pulled the date up by a week. And wow, did i find the hands down winner.

Side note: I hate Valentine's day. Always have. I hated the absurdity of having to make valentines for the kids in your class so that no one was left out. I hated the day when i was single...declaring it to be "Single Awareness Day" and feeling compelled to fight those pitying looks with proclamations of how happy i was without a valentine. And i hate it now, despite having the wonderful Boyfriend Jon if i did want to celebrate it.

I hate how so many relationships are made or broken on the outcome of a single day of the year because greeting card companies have trumped it up so much... that if a guy doesn't go and spend hundreds of dollars on roses, expensive dinners, or spend weeks planning in advance...then it's just a bla valentine's day for the girl. I'm on the guy's side. What's the big deal? It's just one day.

Quite frankly, Boyfriend Jon is under strict orders to forgo any mention of the v-day, flowers, chocolates, and any kind of romance that he wouldn't show me on any other day of the year.

Ok, back from that tangent.
The dance studio is throwing a masquerade. But not just the masks, not just the costumes...but an all out ball. Variety of dances, both elegant and just plain fun. The second i saw the advertisement, i sent it straight to Boyfriend Jon with a long line of exclamation points following.

Since he...yes he... has been wanting to get back out dancing again (and i'm not really one to say no either) we bought our tickets and have begun the hunt for suitable attire. Since the theme is Hollywood Legends, thoughts of Zorro and his Spanish Rose or Cleopatra and Marc Anthony or Ret Butler and Scarlet O'Hara have been dancing through my head. But at the same time, my heart truly desires the fuller skirt and elegant fabrics of eras more suitable to a masquerade.

I'm quite aware of the cumbersome nature of such garments. But the heart wants what the heart wants! Boyfriend Jon has been patiently indulgent in this obsession. Costume shop shopping tonight. We'll see what rentals they have. Especially since i know the owner and if there's any chance of finding a costume for that will fit my figure, she'll find it.

And if that fails, I'm taking a pair of scissors to my old homecoming dress. Spent two hundred dollars on it, and haven't worn it since. What utter waste.

Once the attire is decided upon...then out comes the craft drawers and the raiding of a craft shop as mad crafter Anne gets to work.

I can't fricken WAIT!!!

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