
Monday, January 17, 2011


I found something rather unsettling in my car yesterday. It was a styrofoam burger king cup that had spilled out a ton of sunflower seed shells.

Not that weird you say? What if i were to tell you I hardly ever eat SUNFLOWER seeds? Only thing that goes in my car, are pumpkin seeds.

Not weird enough? What if i were to tell you the last time i went to a burger king was in early OCTOBER. And i most certainly did not get a styrofoam cup. Not to mention, my car got cleaned out before Jon's family arrived in mid December.

Still not weird enough? Boyfriend Jon (the only person i know to eat sunflower seeds ever in my car) hasn't eaten them since that October trip, much less put them in a styrofoam cup that somehow managed to elude disposal. Nor has anyone that's been in the back seat of my car since early December prior to the clean out.

And if that wasn't weird enough for you...consider these facts:
  1. The only Burger King in the area is at the bottom of the hill that I was parked at when the sunflower seeds were discovered. Its about five to eight miles from my home.
  2. When going out to my car to put stuff in it just before i discovered them...i heard the locks click open.
  3. My windows were not open
  4. The seeds were still wet....but not moldy at all
  5. there is a known "problem" house around the corner.
I'm not typically one to point fingers and i will readily give the allowance that maybe i just didn't notice the seeds for a while (though for that length of time i'm going to go with improbable).

If it was someone that i know was in my back seat: Dude that's just gross.

If it was someone i don't know....WTF?

Nothing was taken (not that there was anything to take - the most expensive thing in my car is the 5$ ipod jack from radio shack) and no loose change. But WHY on earth would they break into my car just to leave their gross sunflower seed cup dumped over my back seat???? I just cannot fathom that someone would go to that much trouble to be so disgusting. It just doesn't add up.

I cleaned it all out. Everything. Even though i was supposed to be helping my sister with her remodel, i couldn't stop cleaning. Vacuumed everything, took a cleaning cloth to my dash and center console, re-organized my trunk, threw out what trash i had. I feel extremely violated. I felt like someone had defiled my little Focus and i had to make her mine again.

Boyfriend Jon tried to reason it out but even he couldn't answer some of my questions. I think he was left either wondering if i'm forgetting something that would crack this case open like...well... a sunflower seed, or if someone, somehow, for some bizarre reason, did this. Thankfully, he let me vent out my confusion and frustration until i felt better.

And now i'm making doubly sure that my doors are locked when i exit the car. Even if that means locking the doors before Boyfriend Jon gets his door open....again.

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