
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Nano 2010 Day 30

While i may have technically finished NaNo 2010, I probably won't be stopping just yet. Indeed i have a full day to continue writing. Which means that I might tap out a few hundred more words or find any excuse in the world to not write.

I mean, my apartment is a disaster. I have piles of clean laundry waiting to be folded. I need to run about a dozen errands. My refrigerator could use a clean out. I have remnants of a Mario brick that i made for my friend Kenny that need to be cleaned up.

I'm getting the feeling that the first half of December will once again be the clean up Anne's apartment marathon.

I'm rather apathetic about the status of my story. It's not finished, of that i'm sure. And while this series sounds exceedingly interesting in my head, getting it out onto paper was a chore. Too many things fell into the realm of "no way would my character do that" and no man's land of "how would they do this without it being totally contrived?"

I know where i want the series to go, and i've noticed it falls along the lines of one of my favorite author's series:
Which in the process of finding these images....found out there's another book *gasp*. Good series about how humans can adapt and find ingenuity even in the most strange ways.

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