
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Nano 2010 Day 24

Here's what you missed the last few days.
  • I'm about a day and a half behind quota.
  • It snowed in the Seattle area and with the temperature dropping down into the TEENS....froze and the whole area became pretty much a disastrous mess.
  • My Jury Duty was canceled due to the weather after I had already set out to try to get there
  • I was labeled "Ice Butt" by Boyfriend Jon because I stupidly hadn't layered clothes on the bottom half of me turning my derrière into a ice cube.
My muse outright refused to cooperate last night. I managed to get about 600 words written before i was hung up on details for writing a male character. So i have quite a bit more to write tonight in order to get caught up and then more to get ahead for tomorrow. I'm thinking i'm going to write a quick outline of what i want to happen and then switch back over to my other MC so i can keep the story moving.

Given how much i slipped and slid and very nearly pinwheeled down onto said ice butt while walking, i couldn't believe how many people in the Seattle area tried to drive in cars that seemed, to me, to be obviously a bad choice from the get go. Many sub compact and sedan cars that couldn't possibly have 4 wheel drive were out trying to keep up with chained trucks and SUV. I was reminded yet again that common sense was not so common. Most interesting was the SUV who ran a red light and came within a foot of T-boning a turning car.

I was thankfully excused from Jury Duty on Tuesday since the courthouses closed down due to weather and didn't have to make it up the next day. I decided to walk to Boyfriend Jon's place instead of the several additional miles to get to work.

Thanksgiving this year will be a break with tradition. I am not going to be spending it with my immediate family and traveling out to the peninsula in this weather. That just ain't happening. Instead i have invited Boyfriend Jon and Kenny to do a simple regular sized meal with brownies as desert and work off the meal by playing Call of Duty Black Ops. I'm excited because A) a lot less stress, a lot less food, a lot less leftovers and B) i haven't played that Call of Duty yet and have really enjoyed the previous versions.

I'll review it when i have time.

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