
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Nano 2010 day 18

Word Count: 31,675
Today's quota: 30,006

Today was the last day of the Thursday Write Ins at Panera. Next week and the following week are both currently scheduled for Friday.

We had a lot of fun conversation wise today. Someone we got on the topic of Mange cake, and a variety of other there equally weird conversation topics. As such, my brain is a little fried at the moment.

I've found a weakness to my democratic approach to the length of time on the word wars. Unless it's structured, so many people's opinions get thrown in which doesn't make for productivity. And as in the case of today: We end up doing a word war that's literally 27 seconds.

I'm thinking that next time i will need to take charge of the reins again and beef up the structure.

For a change this week i participated in the actual writing of the word wars instead of just monitoring the time and surfing the net. And once again, i remembered why i typically don't write. I'm so distracted trying to keep track of the timer that any attempt to write something with any resemblance to where i wanted to go in my story, just plain ole doesn't work. For some reason i decided that a very sweet and caring friend of the MC was going to force a kiss on her out of the blue.

While we were at break between the word wars, i read what i wrote and very nearly pressed the delete button because it was so bad. I'm not even sure there's a sentence that i can use from there. Perhaps next time, i'll just write at my own pace and add to my story instead of sprinting like everyone else.

Trust me, no one really wants to read my stream of consciousness. They'll get dizzy.

I have managed to hold onto my day's buffer and I'm looking forward to some time tomorrow to pull even further ahead.

In other news: the project at work that was SUCH an opportunity, proved to be quite a headache and I'm kind of glad that it's over and the new calendar has been shipped off to the printers. Done, over with, woo. And in the process of finishing up, i did get one very nifty thing out of it: A personal thank you from the executive director of our site which did not come through his admin. For all that it's not tangibly worth anything... it meant a lot to me.

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