
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Agonies of planning and being right brained

My dad said to me the other day: "I don't understand why you do this writing thing. All it accomplishes is driving you crazy."

Indeed, he's observed this three year long obsession with his usual disregard for right brain type things. I'm his only right brain child. Even my mom for all her creative talent is an analytical thinker. I'm not sure what he understands less; My need to create for the sake of creating or why i purposly do something that to his mind wouldn't be worth the stress. Indeed I have yet to publish either of my two novels, or even begin to attempt to edit them. So it's no surprise to me that he is confused by my Nano obsession.

Don't get me wrong. When I need help, he's there for me. He calmly explained details of the Godfather to me that didn't make sense during my first year when i wrote a story mirroring the Italian mafia. Both being Italian, and growing up in New York during the height of the Mafia, he had plenty of experience and insight to share with me. When i wrote my second novel, he stuck by his word to not request my help with family projects during the month of November.

But I keep getting the impression that he had hoped my obsession would flame out instead of getting stronger. When he heard of my idea to skip Thanksgiving altogether for this endeavor, I think that might have sent my very traditional father over the edge from indulgence to politely protesting my involvement.

Since this is the place where I can air my opinions I will do so:
Personally, I don't enjoy Thanksgiving. It's another one of the holidays I believe has lost it's essence along with Easter, and Christmas. Instead of spending the time giving thanks for all we have, it's become a stressful day of entertaining, cooking and stuffing your bellies beyond what you normally would eat. Yeah, sure. The prayer might proclaim thanks, but everyone's mind is on the feast laid before them, and if there will be enough mashed potatoes left when the bowl reaches them.
I would honestly be more happy with a simple roast chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans and cranberries. A single normal serving on a normal size plate. I would be immensely thankful for that.

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