
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hailing in the month of September

Well, it's officially my favorite month. Labor day weekend is now over and soon fall will be in the air. And the weather is proving it. In the course of one weekend we have gone from warm sunshine and bright blue skies to dark gray clouds and torrential downpour. At least it gives me an excuse to wear my new jacket.

This month is my favorite because it has my birthday and the birthdays of 9! other people in my life whom i hold dear. Longtime friends, old classmates, colleagues....all Libras and Virgos.

It's also what i personally call the gateway month; leading into my favorite season. Very soon the streets, sidewalks and grass will be littered with thousands of felled leaves which glitter with the first frost. Trees will be come bright and vibrant with fall colors. And the chill in the air will give me ample reason to snuggle up to boyfriend Jon. I can't wait!

Labor day weekend was spent doing some much needed and long overdue cleaning. I mean deep cleaning. I threw out three trash bags worth of garbage, broken items, and things I've been holding onto for WAY too long. I went in there with a (if i haven't used it since i moved's going)
Example: I found the tape recorder (yes actual tapes) my dad got my brother before he hit puberty! It didn't even work! I kept meaning to fix it....
Example: expired makeup that i bought and wore ONLY for my junior year homecoming.
Example: 9 pairs of jeans with holes in them...most of them in unwearable places!
Example: Getting rid of multiple bras and underwear. I haven't been a C cup in a very long time.
This is all not to mention the fridge and pantry getting cleaned out, getting rid of 3/4 of my socks (why i had 68 pairs...i have no idea) and a partridge in a pear tree.

I had originally planned on making a sock puppet army....,

but elected to go the more altruistic route. I plan on making a couple trips to the good will tomorrow and hopefully spreading some much needed supplies to those who need them a lot more than I do especially once fall weather sets in.

In other news: my job inadvertently has decided to help me prepare for Nano 2010! By...typing a 24 page document word for just 4 days!!!!

And naturally on the heels of that revelation...comes the "oh my god it's almost Nano time!!!!"
Time to start planning for leading the workshops again, prepping materials, reserving the time slots, and oh yeah, working on my plot idea.

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