
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The adventures of dating Jon

I've said it from the beginning. Jon and I have the weirdest dates ever. Things start out traditional then gradually morph into something totally unromantic, which usually ends up with some kind of inside joke.

Date 1:
Jon and I both showed up the the pre-arranged restaurant not far from either of our houses on time and proceed to avoid working on our Nano's (it was November) by talking. For three hours. In that time...there were cop sirens going up and down the street behind me every few minutes. I don't know if the local police department had some kind of speed trap set up, but by like the tenth siren and lights to go by, i pulled up the collar of my sweater-coat and tried to hide myself from view, and hoarsly whispered, "They're looking for me." Of course it was all a joke but this led to a conversation about the tactics the swat team would use in order to corner me in the restaurant and even alluding to what i had done to cause such a reaction. Now whenever Jon and I notice a siren go by, I get a shifty look and occasionally duck behind Jon for cover.

Date 2 or 3?:
I went and visited Jon's place the first night where he introduced me to Firefly and we demurely sat on completely opposite ends of the couch, not even touching. By the third "date" we were facing each other on the couch and touching feet. We were in the middle of a conversation about one of our stories when i looked at his shoulder where his shirt neck pulled away from his skin. There was a fairly small spider the size of a dime in the process of crawling out of his shirt. Normal girl: Freak out and alert him to the spider with a scream and a pointed finger. Me: "Don't move" then lean in really close and gently brush the spider up onto my hand and flick it onto the coffee table where it died a quick death from a notepad. I imagine he had been hoping for a kiss, but instead, I asked him what else he kept down there. You can imagine what weird suggestions we both came up with.

Ok, Fast-forwarding now to our most recent "date". Don't worry, there was plenty of other weird dates in-between. Like how he got to meet my dad without warning at the grocery store deli, or getting roped into helping me pack for my move.

Growing up, my grandma lived about a half hour away. Mom would frequently make the trip to go take my grandma who didn't drive to the store or out to dinner or anywhere just to get her out of the house. I was usually taken along for this trip so i have fond memories of certain restaurants, stores, playgrounds, and nearby beaches. Since i never drove to her house before she died when i was 14, I have to rely on memories and landmarks to get to those places again. After picking up Jon from the airport, i told him we were really close to all those places i remembered. I ended up taking him by my grandmother's old house, and the beach at the bottom of that hill.

We got out and started wandering around, picking up the best preserved shell and just talking about nothing. Romantic walk on the beach holding hands when all of a sudden not five feet from us, a huge fountain shoots out of the ground. And sticking out just an inch or two is the siphon for a Geoduck ("Gooey ducks"- check them out for a laugh) The rest of the afternoon was spent trying to make geoducksto squirt on camera. We came away laughing and rather wet.

After over six months with this great guy, I have to say, the weird dates almost always turn out to be the best ones.

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