
Friday, May 7, 2010

Plague Recovery

I am hopefully well on the way to recovering from a very uncomfortable bout of what I think was food poisoning followed by a nasty cold. Sufficient to say, it was a very unpleasant two days spending quality time with the porcelain god. Following that was four days worth of lung hacking coughs, loosing my voice, and the last three days included a stuffy nose and sinus pressure headaches.

I'm not really the kind of person who does nothing when sick but watch tv and be a pitiful lump on the couch. Don't get me wrong, i did a lot of that. Slipping in and out of consciousness while random daytime tv shows played. But for the most part, i found myself going stir crazy and looking for something to do. I have found over the years that when sinuses are blocked...standing up helps them drain for a while. My mother was always yelling at me to rest up and let my body fight whatever bug i had contracted.
This was a rare thing. I was a lucky child in that i hardly ever got sick. But i'm well known in my family as they affectionatly refer to me as a magnifying glass. I get sick for two days, the rest of the family is out for a week. The inverse is true also. Someone catches a full blown flu, I might get the sniffles for a day or two.

Thankfully, those short bursts of energy helped me get through most of the remaining boxes which mostly contained things i wasn't sure if i really wanted to keep. I made a run to donations and even alphabetized all my dvds. What should have taken me twenty minutes took hours. Which is exceedingly frustrating for me.

In some good news, I did manage to complete my DVD cabinet. I put three coats of a nifty varnish on it. It went on milky blue but dried completely clear. I was needless to say, extremely happy with the results. the cabinet will be a fine addition to my apartment. And i promise, just as soon as i can figure out where the gremlins hid my camera, i will post pictures.

As soon as that project is out of my dad's shop and no longer in fear of sawdust...i can get started with my next objective. A TV stand complete with drawers.

Now if only my nose would stop dripping.

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