
Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I'm an early bird. I usually at least open my eyes with the dawn before my alarm goes off, even if I decide to turn back over. Sleeping past 9am leaves me with a headache. And i have to be seriously tired in order to take a nap.
But at the same time...I like my sleep. it, rely on it...etc. Without a good quality sleep, at worst...I get cranky, irritable, and short tempered. At best, my sentences just trail off into oblivion and i find myself staring with glazed eyes at something like a wall plug for several minutes at a time.

This month, has not been conducive to a good night's sleep. Between stress over the move, if it was going to happen or not, sleeping in a sub-terrain basement room where i froze despite five blankets, and the fact that my bed was buried behind a wall of boxes.....sleep has been short in quantity and quality.

I was so happy last night when, thanks to the sweetheart of a boyfriend i've somehow managed to keep around, my bed was freed at last. Soft and with sheets and a down comforter at the ready! I quickly made use of them flopping into bed and kicking off my shoes without moving from the gentle yielding pillows.
I slept so wonderfully last night that i wasn't even annoyed or in despair when my alarm clock went off reminding me that it was still a week day and I had work to get to. Of course i hit the snooze button a couple times, just to savor those few extra minutes of a rarely achievable bliss that comes from a restful sleep after such a long absence.

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