
Monday, April 19, 2010

Challenges the Status Quo

That's a phrase that has been on every single one of my annual reviews since I was 16.
It's always been listed under the accomplishments or pro side of my review. Before this year, I always thought it could never be a bad trait. Lately, I feel like people don't want the status quo challenged. That they go along with whatever IS because it is easier than provoking, evoking or dragging change to take place. That even if whatever change I suggest makes their lives easier or less irritable...they won't do it. Simply because it is the status quo.

I'm not that way. I see something I don't like, I try to change it. I believe a fresh set of eyes always catches something that has just slid under the radar for a long time. If I'm able to change say a process, a layout, even someone's way of thinking...i will try. I'm all about efficiency and working smarter, not harder. I want harmony, and if change is how that comes about....well, let me roll up my sleeves.

Doing this....ruffles feathers. Regardless if i ask ahead of time, or prep people with my plans first.

Some are amazed at the new concept that never occurred to them.
Some just nod and adapt to the change, sometimes with a mild comment about easier or difficult.'s like stroking a moody cat backwards.

Quite frankly...I'm tired of moody cats.

In other, happier news:
Getting down to the items which are bulky, or require a lot of work. As usual, that list includes my clothing. As a reminder, I HATE folding laundry. It is the most useless task ever! You spend hours folding neatly, stacking, and sorting...and the second you take one item....the neatly folded items fall apart and the stack slumps or shifts.

I think the end is in sight, and that i might be able to possibly sit down and have nothing left on my checklist to do...this weekend. With the exception of painting. And stretching the canvas paintings i got. and...and...and...... :)

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