
Monday, January 11, 2010


A little while back, i posted about getting a ticket for my tabs, and the resulting mitigation hearing.

Well, i was probably about the dozenth person the judge called forward. The people before me had delt with issues like failure to yield, speeding and a single other tabs problem. And immediatly following a gentleman who was there to Contest, not Mitigate his ticket which nearly caused a shouting match, he called my name. He was in a fairly incredulous mood. I believed this would only prove bad for me. The previous person with a ticket for their tab only got 50$ knocked off their sentence. And they had taken care of it within three days.

Turns out the Judge liked that i took care of the issue the very same day. My 216$ fine, was dropped to just 50$. :)

Other news. I have taken back up one of my hobbies; Knitting. Being mostly self taught, i had gone as far as i could go mostly in the form of scarves. So i enlisted the help of Nano Annie and her mom. The project?.....a beanie hat. But not just a simple basic hat. I wanted something with a little more dimension to it. To learn some more stitches and to for the first time, follow a pattern.
So far.... this is nuts. I still can't see a pattern so far, but i'm hoping another set of 10 rows, and i'll have something mostly resembling the pattern and eventually...a hat.

I'll keep you posted for the outcome.

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